The resulting CSV currently contains (a) a number of unused fields and (b) information that still needs to be concatenated on the fly (like the termIRI = term.term_isDefinedBy + term.term_localName). If we have a generate a CSV, I would create those columns too.
Transformation steps:
mutate(termIRI = paste0(term_isDefinedBy, term_localName)) %>%
left_join(`decisions_links`, by = c("termIRI" = "linked_affected_resource")) %>%
left_join(`establishmentMeans_translations`, by = c("term_localName" = "term_localName"))
@MattBlissett how do you want to proceed with this?
@MattBlissett All elements are in place now so that a vocabulary page like (or the Dutch version: is rendered at Jekyll build time from:
Things that need to be pushed to and from CrowdIn from this repo:
This setup expects a single CSV (3) with all (translated) vocabulary information. This CSV is build from:
The resulting CSV currently contains (a) a number of unused fields and (b) information that still needs to be concatenated on the fly (like the
=term.term_isDefinedBy + term.term_localName
). If we have a generate a CSV, I would create those columns too.Transformation steps:
@MattBlissett how do you want to proceed with this?