gbif / edna-tool-ui

Frontend for the eDNA tool
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Fix minor stuff (spelling/wording) in the "tour" on the mapping page #94

Closed tobiasgf closed 2 months ago

tobiasgf commented 2 months ago

1 Field name in Darwin Core The Darwin Core Standard (DwC) offers a stable, straightforward and flexible framework for compiling biodiversity data from varied and variable sources. In order to make your data interpretable for GBIF, you will have to map the columns in your data onto these standard fields. Full lists of available fieldnames can be found here Occurrence and here DNA derived data, which largely corresponds to the MIxS standard.

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Field name (term) in Darwin Core The Darwin Core Standard (DwC) offers a stable, straightforward and flexible framework for compiling biodiversity data from varied and variable sources. In order to make your data interpretable for GBIF, you will have to map the columns (fields) in your data onto these standard terms. Full lists of available terms can be found here (Occurrence core) and here (DNA derived data).

2 If you want to add more DWC fields to your mapping than present in the table by default, you can search and add them here.

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If you wish to add more DwC terms to your mapping than present in this form by default, you can search and add them here.

3 Your field name Select the field in your data that you want to map to the Darwin Core field. For example, you might want to map your field lat to the Darwin Core term decimalLatitude

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Your field name Select the field in your data that you want to map to the Darwin Core term. For example, you might want to map your field lat to the Darwin Core term decimalLatitude.

4 Default values You may also set/select a default value that applies to the entire dataset. Examples of good candidates for default values are target_gene (ITS, COI, 16S, etc), pcr_primer_forward, pcr_primer_reverse, otu_db (the reference database used for taxonomic annotation)

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Default/global values You may also set/select a default (global) value that applies to the entire dataset. Examples of good candidates for default values are target_gene (ITS, COI, 16S, etc), pcr_primer_forward, pcr_primer_reverse, otu_db.

5 Adding measurements You may have fields that do not fit into the standard set of Darwin Core fields (often various measurements). These can be added to the Extended Measurement Or Facts extension which is a key/value based extension that allows any Measurement type. This is where you can add information about pH, salinity, sample biomass etc.

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Adding measurements You may have fields that do not fit into the standard set of Darwin Core fields (often various measurements). These can be added to the Extended Measurement Or Facts extension which is a key/value based extension that allows any measurement type. This is where you can add information about pH, salinity, sample biomass etc.

6 Once you have mapped the fields in your data to the equivalent Darwin core fields, you can proceed to the data processing step

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Once you have mapped the fields in your data to the equivalent Darwin Core fields, you can proceed to the data processing step.