Creating this issue now to keep track of what needs to be done to complete a migration from the current DeIC-provided client (DK.GBIF) to our new membership client (GBIF.GBIF).
For the actual transfer of DOIs, this is the procedure:
Inform DataCite ( about the transfer. Include affected prefix(es), the current client ID and the new client ID (see below). Please CC DeIC.
During the timeframe of the transfer, we need to halt DOI registration and update credentials to new client(s)
When transfer is completed and confirmed, we can start DOI registration services again.
(Note: all prefixes and clients don't need to be transferred at the same time.)
As already raised in we should stop using 10.5072 for testing and rather use the Datacite testing environment on which we can use the same prefix(es) as on the production environment.
[x] @dnoesgaard to coordinate with SIB Colombia
[x] identify all code references to current client
Creating this issue now to keep track of what needs to be done to complete a migration from the current DeIC-provided client (DK.GBIF) to our new membership client (GBIF.GBIF).
For the actual transfer of DOIs, this is the procedure:
(Note: all prefixes and clients don't need to be transferred at the same time.)
As already raised in we should stop using 10.5072 for testing and rather use the Datacite testing environment on which we can use the same prefix(es) as on the production environment.