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Make labelMaker fallback to 'id' prop on error state #200

Closed jack-brinkman closed 1 year ago

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

Labels produced by labelMaker display 'unknown' when an error occurs. It might be more helpful if the user is shown the id prop instead. For instance, if a 'Trial' event is selected using the filter button since there's no corresponding GBIF vocabulary for that event type, the error label is shown, rather than the 'Trial' label:


jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

New filter button with id prop fallback:


MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

Sounds to me like we should update the vocabulary instead? Having a fallback to the value mostly just masks the error as I understand it - leaving the issue that translations wont work and that we have an unwanted discrepancy between our APIs.

It you really want a label that just takes the verbatim values, then it is possible to overwrite the label to show a formatted version of the value - could be an identity function. But it sounds like something we should solve at a different level?

djtfmartin commented 1 year ago

I think the reality is we are some way away from having a mature stable vocab for event types (as much as we'd like one / need one).

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

In that case I'd rather we created a custom label type for this, rather than changing behaviour for all labels.

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

If we do not have a vocabulary, then we should probably just remove it from the filter and use the raw values as labels.

If you want to overwrite it for a specific usecase, then it should be done by

//overwrite vocabulary labels to just use the raw values
const labels = {
  eventTypeVocabulary: {
    type: 'TRANSFORM',
    transform: ({ id }) => id

and then pass that to the widget as config. Just like you already have custom labels for taxa

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

If there is no useful vocabulary then I'm fine with removing that from the filter configuration. Is that the case @djtfmartin ? from how we use the filter (as a wildcard suggest) it seems that the vocabulary labels make little sense.

djtfmartin commented 1 year ago

The vocab is incomplete / WIP. Im also not clear how easy it will be to get a published version of it into the GBIF prod registry.

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

Let us just remove it from the filter then and use the raw values