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Event sidebar - representative species images #229

Open jack-brinkman opened 1 year ago

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

I've started implementing the ability to see a representative image for each unique taxon related to an event (via its occurrences), ~in the feature/event-taxa-images branch~ (now merged with master). This builds upon the relatedTaxa work in #217.

This uses iNaturalist's taxa API endpoint, and queries using the acceptedScientificName field returned from the DistinctTaxon GraphQL type.

A few pitfalls of the current implementation:



MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

Would it make sense to allow queries like this (not entirely thought through)

query {
  taxonMedia(key: String) {
    images: [Image!]!  # using the audobon core Image definition here perhaps? As that seems to be the most expressive standard for this
// resolver
  Query: {
    taxonMedia: (_, { key }, { dataSources }) =>
      dataSources.inatAPI.getImageByKey({ key }) // for now we use the inat api, but I hope we will find another solution down the line
        .then(...some mapping to the format we need for the type)

And then have the resolver use inat for now, but not exposing anything inat specific in the types and queries?

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

That makes sense to me - @djtfmartin, any thoughts/concerns with using Audubon Core for the image definition?

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

@MortenHofft @djtfmartin I've just pushed a commit that changes the Image type to use a subset of Audubon Core terms & matches your preferred query naming (taxonMedia instead of representativeImage).

One small issue that I see is that there aren't multiple terms to provide different-sized variants of an image - i.e. iNaturalist supplies a small square.jpg image URL and medium.jpg, which is a non-square larger variant. I've added an unofficial accessOriginalURI property for accessing larger, full-sized variants.

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

I've now implemented the ability to view more images, derived from @MortenHofft's pre-existing images UI :)


jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

Screenshot of the above change. Note - all menu items excluding Search GenBank are supplied via config, and are not present by default.


jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

A species link has been added as per @djtfmartin's suggestion. .env.json needs to be updated to handle these links:

  "SPECIES_URL": "" // gbif:

Example Image


MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

We already have a way to do that. At least it was intended for use cases like this, but it might be overly complex or not work for you.

ResourceLink it is called and is located in the components folder. It is configured as part of the general routing configuration (there isn't one for species currently, but we can add that). It allows routes to vary per language, and doesn't require a new build and it works with history push if needed.

To use it you would add a new route configuration for species. And then use the resourceLink and point to the config when using that component.

It is what we do here


It is also possible to use the context more directly like

const routeContext = useContext(RouteContext);
const path = routeContext.datasetSearch.route;
jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

Ah, okay - I initially opted for the .env configuration as it was very straightforward & I couldn't see the config value changing in the future. However, if the ResourceLink component is your preferred method to handle these types of links, I'll change the implementation to use them :)

jack-brinkman commented 1 year ago

Updated Screenshot
