Would be nice if future test users had a form they could fill out to make new projects and rulesets.
# Create a project
curl -u "$GBIF_USER:$GBIF_PWD" -X POST http://labs.gbif.org:7013/v1/occurrence/annotation/project -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"LegumeData.org Annotation Project", "description":"Annotation rules from the Legumedata.org group"}'
# Create a ruleset for that project using the projectId (edit projectId to match project)
curl -u "$GBIF_USER:$GBIF_PWD" -X POST http://labs.gbif.org:7013/v1/occurrence/annotation/ruleset -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"projectId": 1, "name":"Legume ruleset", "description":"ruleset for legumes"}'
Would be nice if future test users had a form they could fill out to make new projects and rulesets.