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Publisher pages #170

Open MortenHofft opened 3 years ago

MortenHofft commented 3 years ago

Does anyone has an interest in designing this?

Anyone is also welcome to just contribute ideas, but I'm mostly interested in someone actually transforming loose ideas and thoughts into something coherrent.

Mockups in the form of: what content goes where, layout, flows. New ideas for what content could be shown, pulled from other sources etc. So both "what information makes sense to include", but also "how should this look and be navigated".

@camiplata could this has the interest of anyone from the Colombian team perhaps? You have build such beautiful websites in the past. I do not know if you still have UI people on staff. @tucotuco and @siwelisabeth your teams has also expressed an interest in having publisher pages.

My initial intuition is to do something similar to publisher pages, but in a style more similar to the hosted portals - something along below mockups (which is for datasets and collections)

There are some Sketch components available that could be used if anyone has a license. But I do not have any requirements on software etc. I would like to be part of the process though and give inputs on what is possible and easy/difficult to implement (for me at least).

Screenshot 2021-07-02 at 12 59 04 Screenshot 2021-07-02 at 12 59 15

This is related to, but isn't about the search experience, but about the individual publisher/organisation pages.

MortenHofft commented 3 years ago

No one else seemed particularly interested in designing this page, so I've given it my best shot.

publisher page

It is essentially a port of the existing publisher pages from, but with a different styling. The metrics tab won't be implemented in the first take (just as they are missing from occurrence search). Citation tab is intended to show literature.

Logos are optional in the model and the quality and sizes vary a lot. I originally tried to give it a place in the header, but given how unstable they are and the sizes vary a lot as well, then it didn't really make sense. Instead they got a place in a sidebar where it doesn't matter much if they disappear. Similar for the map (coordinates is only available for some publishers).

The contacts can easily take up a lot of space if we show all info always. And I imagine no one really cares about postal codes etc in most cases. So they are hidden by default. And only name, role and email is present.

The endorsed by installations information is somewhat obscure if you are not very familiar with the network. So I moved that down the page and added a help text.

jholetschek commented 3 years ago

Looks very good, Morten! Is that something that will show up as another tab, similar to the "Datasets" tab?

MortenHofft commented 3 years ago

I hope to deprecate the "datasets" tab on occurrence search in favour of more dedicated search experiences for datasets and publishers. The publisher search table would then link to a publisher detail page.

And then in time add a "metrics tab" (or similar) to occurrence search instead. That could be used to give breakdowns such as "what datasets contribute occurrences to this specific filter".

MortenHofft commented 2 years ago

@aduarte-sib you have done such a nice job with the Colombian site. Would you be interested in designing this page or give feedback to my attempt above? It isn't a task with complete freedom as it should look and feel somewhat like the rest of the site, but you have balanced that very well on - anyway let me know if you want to be involved in the design aspect of this or other pages (that goes for everyone btw)

MortenHofft commented 2 years ago

See also for a suggestion on option to download reports