gbif / hosted-portals

Support material for establishing the GBIF Hosted Portals
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Deletion of individual data points from download #182

Open andrewrodrigues opened 2 years ago

andrewrodrigues commented 2 years ago

Now that the hosted portals allow for users to inspect individual data points, is there a way to enable users to delete individual data that they do not want to be included in the final download?

MortenHofft commented 2 years ago

What you download is what is in your filter. So for example there isn't a feature to say: I want to download all Animalia except these 3 occurrences.

When you say inspect individual occurrences, do you mean the sidebar with the occurrence details? It is really just the same as going to the detail pages on, but the idea was that it was a quicker way to browse the content.

Is this feature something that someone has asked for? It would be possible if the amount of excluded occurrences was fairly small. I'm not sure what a good interface would be though.

andrewrodrigues commented 2 years ago

Inpsecting individual occurrences is the ability to click on individual points and then a pop up box appears with information on that data point. If there was a box that you click in that pop-up box that would allow you to not include that data point in your download that would be useful to users who will often download data from GBIF, then visualize the data to look for outliers, data points outside natural ranges etc before then deleting those individual points from their final dataset in their analyses using different software. By being able to do this stage already in GBIF before download this would reduce the need for this visualization step.