Closed gbif-pipelines closed 7 months ago
Identifier validation still failing for the dataset Proyecto GEF de Invasoras (Plantas y animales):
New IDs sample:
Old IDs sample:
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:01fb8063aeac9149808f182db6f2a607
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:03fad9ba7429f4992a2723339231341a
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:07953e6eb6fac35d11fd7af975442413
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:08899c6b2e4bd2e70d4fdf3a420b6875
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:0c8f4e40fbb2c4e753f77033db36008e
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:1224e2388ec4efd2936de0ab7a02e663
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:14bf0c48279ecdab3a93c01c7159f540
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:180d5fd5eaf1ffd8cbe8a7cf793b8014
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:230693180cf7753ca5f3729e0dcdcd0d
urn:catalog:CONANP:NO APLICA:NO APLICA:234d8c0ac948eb0789b272bb2c59e3fd
You can skip/fix identifier validation using the registry UI.
Identifier validation failed for the dataset Proyecto GEF de Invasoras (Plantas y animales):
Publisher email
Hello, I am contacting you from the GBIF Secretariat about a dataset published by the [Proyecto GEF de Invasoras (Plantas y animales)]( : We noticed that the occurrenceIDs were changed. We have temporarily paused the ingestions of this dataset. As you might already know, when an occurrence record has a new occurrenceID for a given dataset, our system considers it to be a new occurrence. This means that it will be given a new gbifid and a new occurrence URL (like this one: and the old gbifid and URL will be deprecated. In this case, this means that the occurrence URLs would be deprecated when ingesting the newest versions of these datasets. We would like to check with you if those changes were intentional. Do you know if this is the case? Please let us know, thanks! We are happy to resume the dataset ingestion. Note that some users rely on those occurrence URLs and gbifids (like for example). In an attempt to improve the stability of the occurrence URLs and gbifids, we have implemented a warning system to detect these type of changes in datasets (see this news item). If the data publisher can provide us with a list of old and new occurrenceIDs per record, we can avoid the identifier and URL changes. Could that be an option? Please let us know if you have any question. Thanks! All the best,You can skip/fix identifier validation using the registry UI.