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Arctos: rename relationship type #115

Closed MortenHofft closed 1 year ago

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

@dustymc relation type shows cataloged_item is reversed I believe. And it would help me if we could rename it to IMAGE OF.

example record

599301211,,,shows cataloged_item,,,,1

Swap subject and object subject: is a MATERIAL_ENTITY object: is a DIGITAL_ENTITY

Material entity : shows cataloged_item : Digital entity

subject and object should be swapped as far as I can see.

Rename And if you could rename it to IMAGE OF then it would be the same as the other groups. That isn't to say that shows cataloged_item isn't more precise - it is just useful at this point to keep it the same if possible. It makes building a UI a lot easier.

dustymc commented 1 year ago


Thank you, reversed for next release.

rename it to IMAGE OF

I can, but please confirm that "anything at a URI" is OK as "IMAGE OF"

(And for completeness, here's what we'd like to eventually share:

Or perhaps this stems back to my mapping of digital_entity.digital_entity_type - I don't have some 'required' information so I've made some sorta-wild guesses from (and perhaps would be a better source?).

       -- ugh, how the heck am I supposed to know?
        when media.mime_type in ('image/dng','image/jpeg','image/png','image/tiff','model/stl') then 'STILL_IMAGE'
        when media.mime_type in ('audio/mpeg3','video/mp4','audio/x-wav') then 'SOUND'
        when media.mime_type in ('video/quicktime') then 'MOVING_IMAGE'
        else 'TEXT'
MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

(And for completeness, here's what we'd like to eventually share:

That makes sense. I do not believe that is possible now. For example linking images to the event shows collecting_event. I'll leave it to others (@tucotuco) to decide if that is something the model should accommodate or not.

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

); looks like a decent match. But I'm not sure what you would do with e.g. 3D model if that is a file. But you could perhaps share those as links? E.g. subject: CatalogedItem | relation: has 3d model | object_entity_iri: http://my_interactive_3d.model_website

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

I can, but please confirm that "anything at a URI" is OK as "IMAGE OF"

I'm not sure I understand. But I imagined that you would swap subject/object. And rename shows cataloged_item to IMAGE_OF and then the DIGITAL_ENTITY that is the subject of that new relation would have an access URI that points to a jpg.

dustymc commented 1 year ago

swap subject/object.


subject: CatalogedItem | relation: has 3d model |

Oh I see, maybe - but I don't see why it's here, in the relationship, rather than just as an attribute of the object (because 'this is an image' is clearly an attribute of the object and does not in any way that I can see affect what relationships involving the object can be made??).

Anyway, I did this - it can be adjusted as necessary:

        when media.media_type='image' then 'IMAGE_OF'
        else concat('has ',media.media_type)


MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

Just to make it clear: I'm not the model expert. I'm just trying to consume the data. Ideally feedback from you as a publisher and me as a consumer will inform the model work.

Wonderful - except could you make that IMAGE OF and not IMAGE_OF.

I don't see why it's here, in the relationship, rather than just as an attribute of the object

I tend to think you are right. I believe that IMAGE OF (or whatever the relation should be called. e.g. SHOWS ITEM) would work just as fine if the digital entity type could tell me what it is. And in fact BGBM use that relation type to link to both STILL_IMAGE and INTERACTIVE_RESOURCE

My example with the 3d model is simply that I'm not sure what digital entity type it would map to. So if you want to share a .stl | .obj extensions, then I wouldn't know what digital entity type to choose. In those cases adding it as an external object looks like the best option? unless one of the existing types is already intended to capture 3d models

dustymc commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the clarification, familiar perspective!


use that relation type to link to both

In case it's useful at some point: I don't know what Arctos links to. Media is "something with a URI" (and some of those are local systems, password-protected, etc. - I can't know what's out there). That's probably a link to MorphoSource, but there are some CT scans stored locally and presumably they're linked in somewhere. (They'd be parents of the "viewable" media which is attached to records if I'd have set them up - and I don't think that's yet shared.)

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

@dustymc It looks like the relationship is still reversed

From the latest export 601082873,,,IMAGE OF,,,,1

subject: parasite relation: IMAGE OF object: media

That should be subject:media is IMAGE OF object:parasite right?

I've manually corrected one example, but of course the image still won't show as the accessURI cannot be used

tucotuco commented 1 year ago

It was a very talented parasite.

dustymc commented 1 year ago

rereundereversed, I hope....

tucotuco commented 1 year ago

This has been corrected in the latest export. Closing.