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citations.txt #193

Open dnoesgaard opened 3 years ago

dnoesgaard commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if the format of this file is controlled, but we should include the download DOI somehow. Something along these lines:

When using this dataset please use the following citation: (<date>) GBIF Occurrence Download <doi url>

Please also pay attention to the rights documented in rights.txt. Individual citations for contributing datasets are provided below:

<individual citations>

If possible, can we also include this file in the csv zip? It seems to be a recurring suggestion for people who fail to get the citation right.

dnoesgaard commented 2 months ago

@MattBlissett, I just realized that I reported this years ago but my issue was most likely overlooked because I picked the wrong repo(?)

Can you please help? It seems like a small fix, but I stil come across papers that use the citations.txt file as the basis for their citation of a download, rather than the download DOI itself.

MattBlissett commented 2 months ago

It's the correct repository, it's just been overlooked.

We can include the DOI easily enough. I'm not sure about adding the file to the simple CSV downloads — it is probably minor, but it may break some people's assumptions that there is only one file within those archives.

dnoesgaard commented 2 months ago

Adding the DL DOI to the archive file is more important. Thanks.