gbif / portal-feedback

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Provide information on data hosting from the publishing guide page #1421

Open gbif-portal opened 6 years ago

gbif-portal commented 6 years ago

Provide information on data hosting from the publishing guide page

The most detailed description of data hosting possibilities currently lives on the BID project pages ( Aside from that, there is a gitHub page in the IPT context that lists the available data hosting centers and criteria ( Neither of these is easily found by a new potential publisher.

Suggestion: adapt information on the BID-related page so that it fits into the overall data publishing context; maintain this information centrally and link from the project pages, rather than the other way around.

Suggested steps needed:

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kcopas commented 6 years ago

Draft page circulating for review (and additional generalization) by @ahahn-gbif @melianieraymond @laurarussell @dnoesgaard (et al. as needed)

kcopas commented 6 years ago

ping @ahahn-gbif @melianieraymond @laurarussell

Not publishing until you've reviewed it and confirm it's up-to-date with all details:

laurarussell commented 6 years ago

Including Mélianie's notes captured as the next steps:

  1. TH will raise a couple of issues at the next management group and then feedback the outcomes to the group: firstly, the idea of GBIF offering hosted IPTs as a service to Nodes (possibly with limited branding by including the country name in the URL somehow) and an unbranded IPT to all data publishers wishing to use it to publish datasets; secondly, the nest steps in going back to our list of trusted data hosting centres on the IPT wiki and clarifying their role (linking to the discussion of GBIF having certified repositories)

  2. AH will work on a skeleton decision tree for prospective publishers to identify an appropriate data hosting solution – this will need refining based on the outcome of the management meeting discussions

  3. AH will send examples of the emails sent to nodes and new data publishers around endorsement, so that we can review these towards including more guidance for nodes on how to engage on data hosting, and possibly more information on the next steps towards data publishing

  4. LAR and MR will discuss the idea of involving mentors in providing IPT helpdesk support to new publishers

  5. We will return to the idea of updating the guidance on on data hosting (including updating the IPT installation map) once we have advanced further.

laurarussell commented 6 years ago

Regarding number 4 above, LAR and MR discussed involving the mentors. None were opposed, but there were some comments as to what would be the best way to deliver IPT publishing held desk requests (either listserv or via community forum). Not sure which would get more use by those publishing their data.

ahahn-gbif commented 6 years ago

@kcopas: For the purpose of getting the document at published, I suggest the following changes:

It would be fine to go for now in this shape. We may need to update content later, and possibly include a graphic, but it is not really worth holding the page for that reason.

kcopas commented 6 years ago

Page is live:

I'll review the bullets above tomorrow in hope of closing out at least one issue this week ;-)

timhirsch commented 6 years ago

This page still seems messy and repetitive - e.g. 'Data hosting options' largely repeats point 2 in 'Hosting steps'. Also the detail on the IPT about e.g. running on test mode seems out of place if this is a page on hosting decisions and steps. A short, straightforward decision-tree type approach is what's required here. Anyone planning to have another go at this before I suggest specific edits?