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Consider using citeproc for formatting references #33

Open rdmpage opened 7 years ago

rdmpage commented 7 years ago

GBIF doesn't have a consistent format for displaying references, and often the most useful bits (DOIs, URLs) are not clickable. Obviously GBIF is somewhat at the mercy of its data providers, who often supply messy bibliographic data. However, if you compare GBIF with, say, Wikipedia, the later often has much nicer looking bibliographic data.

One approach would be for GBIF to adopt CiteProc. If each reference was encoded in Citeproc JSON, then there are both server- and client-side tools that can render the reference in a range of formats, and for a range of locales (for when/if the GBIF portal is localised in different languages).

I realise that bibliographic data is a particular obsession of mine, but I think in the longer term:

Support and examples

CiteProc is supported by CrossRef, in that for a DOI you can get a reference in CiteProc, e.g. has an option to get the reference formatted in various styles supported by CiteProc, e.g.:

Jansen, M., & Köhler, G. (2016). Reptilia, Squamata, Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaena cegei Montero, 1997, and Reptilia, Squamata, Teiidae, Tupinambis rufescens (Günther, 1871): Vertical range extension. Check List, 6(4), 503. doi:10.15560/6.4.503

or in Citeproc JSON itself :

    "status": "ok",
    "message-type": "work",
    "message-version": "1.0.0",
    "message": {
        "indexed": {
            "date-parts": [
                [2016, 12, 20]
            "date-time": "2016-12-20T03:20:49Z",
            "timestamp": 1482204049361
        "reference-count": 0,
        "publisher": "Check List Journal",
        "issue": "4",
        "license": [{
            "URL": "http:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-nd\/4.0",
            "start": {
                "date-parts": [
                    [2016, 11, 27]
                "date-time": "2016-11-27T00:00:00Z",
                "timestamp": 1480204800000
            "delay-in-days": 0,
            "content-version": "vor"
        "content-domain": {
            "domain": [],
            "crossmark-restriction": false
        "short-container-title": ["cl"],
        "cited-count": 0,
        "abstract": "<jats:p>We report on records of Amphisbaena cegei and Tupinambis rufescens in the Bolivian Inter-Andean Dry Forest (Bolivia) that extend the known vertical distribution.<\/jats:p>",
        "DOI": "10.15560\/6.4.503",
        "type": "journal-article",
        "created": {
            "date-parts": [
                [2016, 11, 27]
            "date-time": "2016-11-27T00:56:10Z",
            "timestamp": 1480208170000
        "page": "503",
        "source": "CrossRef",
        "title": ["Reptilia, Squamata, Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaena cegei Montero, 1997, and Reptilia, Squamata, Teiidae, Tupinambis rufescens (G\u00fcnther, 1871): Vertical range extension"],
        "prefix": "http:\/\/\/prefix\/10.15560",
        "volume": "6",
        "author": [{
            "given": "Martin",
            "family": "Jansen",
            "affiliation": []
        }, {
            "given": "Gunther",
            "family": "K\u00f6hler",
            "affiliation": []
        "member": "http:\/\/\/member\/6182",
        "published-online": {
            "date-parts": [
                [2016, 11, 27]
        "container-title": ["Check List"],
        "original-title": [],
        "link": [{
            "URL": "http:\/\/\/cl\/article\/viewFile\/26952\/24868",
            "content-type": "application\/pdf",
            "content-version": "vor",
            "intended-application": "text-mining"
        "deposited": {
            "date-parts": [
                [2016, 12, 19]
            "date-time": "2016-12-19T16:32:16Z",
            "timestamp": 1482165136000
        "score": 1.0,
        "subtitle": [],
        "short-title": [],
        "issued": {
            "date-parts": [
                [2016, 11, 27]
        "URL": "http:\/\/\/10.15560\/6.4.503",
        "ISSN": ["1809-127X"],
        "citing-count": 0
kbraak commented 7 years ago

@rdmpage @dschigel @MortenHofft

Just to provide another comparison with PANGAEA's dataset page, which provides the following citation formats: RIS, BIBTEX and Text. It also makes a strong directive to users to always cite when using the data. Here is an example dataset:

dschigel commented 7 years ago

Here should be a link to the issue where I recommended the bibliographic export formats to @MortenHofft @cgendreau

rdmpage commented 7 years ago

@dschigel @MortenHofft @kbraak Formatted citations of DOIs, whether for papers or datasets are already available as a service, see and especially So, if you want pretty much any format for a DOI this is trivial. For example:

curl -LH "Accept: application/x-bibtex"


  doi = {10.15468/inygc6},
  url = {},
  author = {rdmpage},
  publisher = {Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow},
  title = {International Barcode of Life project (iBOL)},
  year = {2016}