gbif / portal-feedback

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OBIS portal search doesn't show the network #4350

Closed gbif-portal closed 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

OBIS portal search doesn't show the network

I think we used to have a special search result for OBIS to the network page.

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MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

It relies on keywords to be filled in Contentful and to have the correct casing which is lower case. Perhaps we used to have a normalizer that lowercased it for search.

The way it works is that it does a term query for the keyword lower cased. And results that use that exact keyword is bumped to the top of the page (normally we show resource results last). Since we cannot compare scores against indices, then this is the way we know that a resource result is worth putting first.

@fmendezh perhaps we could add a lowercase normalizer to the keywords to ease searching. I could also use a more loose matching, but the deal with content writers is that we do not use fuzzy matching for this. It is exact keywords only.

I've changed the keyword in the article to ensure it goes to the top.

dnoesgaard commented 1 year ago

Contentful now only allows lower-case in the keywords for all relevant content types

albenson-usgs commented 1 year ago

I just tested and this it working now for me where it wasn't previously. I searched using both "obis" and "OBIS" and the network is now showing at the top. Thanks!