gbif / portal-feedback

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rtl not working for some content #4710

Closed gbif-portal closed 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

rtl not working for some content

Some elements appear incorrectly in Arabic, when e.g. a text starts with the word GBIF and dir="auto". This page has a few examples of this, including the title and the body of the media block in the bottom.

Github user: @dnoesgaard User: See in registry - Send email System: Chrome 112.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7 Referer: Window size: width 1421 - height 952 API log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'3390a910-fcda-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) Site log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'5c73f360-fce3-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) System health at time of feedback: OPERATIONAL

dnoesgaard commented 1 year ago

If we can force rtl with a tag or something, please let me know

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

The problem is that I do not know what language the data is in. It could be partially translated. Which is the case for most translations. Not all articles. And not all elements, but only the headline and body text, but not the linked images and their captions etc. So I rely on dir="auto" to detect what is the case for this block of content instead of just saying that an article is some language, simply because the site language is so.

Below is an example of what I get from the contentful API for the Climate article (notice the mixture of languages)


"fields": {
"title": "GBIF and climate change",
"summary": "GBIF mediated-data is an essential input for understanding the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, including setting priorities and creating protection strategies",
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"title": "ما هو المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع الحيوي \"جبيف\"",
"body": "؜GBIF أو شبكة المرفق العالمي لمعلومات التنوع البيولوجي هي شبكة دولية وبنية تحتية للبيانات التي يتم تمويلها من قبل حكومات العالم. تهدف الشبكة إلى توفير وصول مفتوح لأي شخص في أي مكان إلى بيانات حول جميع أنواع الحياة المختلفة على الأرض.",
"callToAction": [
{ ...
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The complex dynamics and cycles of these highly productive environments support several key fisheries for the human communities that extend from the Gulf of California to northern Peru. \n\nTo understand how future impacts of climate change might alter both the marine biogeography of and food security within the ETP, the authors used GBIF-mediated occurrence data to create environmental niche models for 505 fishes and invertebrates commonly caught in the region’s shrimp trawl, small-scale, small pelagic and large pelagic fisheries.\n\nThe results showed similar geographic trends across each fishery, though changes in direction and depth varied more widely. Variables with the greatest impact on shifts in suitable habitats turn out to be rising temperatures and falling oxygen levels, as many species seem likely to shoal in shallower and more oxygen-rich waters, rather than departing for deeper ones. \n\nThe Central American coast and small-scale fisheries likely face the most severe local losses of species and suitable habitat, though colonization by range-shifting species from elsewhere may in part compensate in areas of high species turnover. In such a complex region, even positive outcomes like gains for shrimp fisheries may signal deprivation elsewhere, as increased pressures on bycatch species exert higher economic and social costs in a region of underreported catches, employment and incomes. ", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "7qb97OKrstfijr2Ev0uiZ2" } }, "citation": "Clarke TM, Reygondeau G, Wabnitz C, Robertson R, Ixquiac‐Cabrera M, López M, Ramírez Coghi AR, del Río Iglesias JL, Wehrtmann I and Cheung WWL (2020) Climate change impacts on living marine resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Diversity and Distributions. Wiley, 65–81. Available at:\n", "resourceUsed": "718,202 species occurrences", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "CA" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "CR" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "PA" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "GT" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "ES" } } ], "countriesOfCoverage": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "MX" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "GT" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "SV" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "NI" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "CR" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "PA" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "CO" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "EC" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "PE" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_861" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "1s37qEJttd32tQwLw4ichi", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2023-04-18T07:13:35.312Z", "updatedAt": "2023-04-18T07:23:45.304Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 2, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "feature" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "7e7RGSFlw0U347e8Kw9IZM" } }, "title": "Peer-reviewed data uses in climate change research", "url": "" } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "265Kqfrm5rczuJBiW8CJCA", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2022-06-30T13:44:57.698Z", "updatedAt": "2022-06-30T13:44:57.698Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Impediments to understanding seagrasses response to global change", "summary": "Review of seagrass knowledge reveals gaps and biases in sampling practices across spatial, temporal and taxonomic dimensions", "body": "A major clade of about 70 species belonging to the Alismatales order, seagrasses are important marine plants, playing key roles in productivity, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, while also providing food for marine herbivores and nursery grounds for many fishes and invertebrates.\n\nFocused on exploring the response of seagrasses to global change, this paper assessed the current available knowledge of the group in order to identify potential gaps and biases that might impede successful predictions.\n\nExploring sampling biases using occurrence data available for the clade through, the study reveals spatial gaps in Western and Central Indo-Pacific and temporal bias towards spring and summer months—and very few records from before 1900. The authors also deteced a weak phylogenetic signal in collection frequency, indicating some degree of taxonomic bias within the clade. The study also points to a lack of available phylogenetic and evolutionary knowledge for seagrasses.\n\nWith 31 per cent of seagrass species in global decline, conservation action requires addressing these shortfalls. The authors suggest increased funding for for seagrass monitoring programmes and specimen digitization, support for technological advances, such as DNA sequencing, and improving analytical and computational tools available to researchers.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "4EoVVXRDDFxo3pJdzm4NIh" } }, "citation": "Rock BM and Daru BH (2021) Impediments to Understanding Seagrasses’ Response to Global Change. Frontiers in Marine Science. Frontiers Media SA 8. Available at:", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "US" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_861" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_871" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_991" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "2eeSjdZQVfvMzpIjInU57l", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2019-08-09T06:41:38.084Z", "updatedAt": "2019-08-09T06:41:38.084Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "Link" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "label": "Warren et al. (2013): Quantifying the benefit of early climate change mitigation in avoiding biodiversity loss", "url": "" } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "2iz21RLbKDbokrbiKN75sY", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2022-02-25T10:38:29.888Z", "updatedAt": "2022-08-09T07:11:56.498Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 4, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "Link" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "label": "اقرأ المزيد", "url": "/ar/what-is-gbif" } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "2yRIVh4lULUiaiMiVIXltJ", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T15:30:02.888Z", "updatedAt": "2023-01-16T15:30:02.888Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Climate change and fungal pathogens threaten global tea production", "summary": "Study modelling effects of climate change predicts loss of a third of tea growing areas and increased exposure to fungal pathogens", "body": "The most widely consumed beverage in the world after water, tea is a cultural staple playing a significant role in many countries' economies. Climate change may reduce suitable tea-growing habitat but also increase pathogen infectivity and susceptibility. \n\nIn this study, researchers examined the potential effects of a warming climate on tea and important associated fungal pathogens. By combining GBIF-mediated occurrences with data from the literature, the authors modelled the potential distribution of the two main varieties of cultivated tea (_Camellia sinensis_ var. _sinensis_ and _C. sinensis_ var. _assamica_) as well as three disease-causing fungal species—at baseline and three future climate scenarios.\n\nThe models showed significant reductions in suitable habitat for both varieties of up to third of the baseline area by 2050. Overlaps in the suitable area for tea and pathogens were predicted to range from 10 to 45 per cent—the worst case being the overlap of _Colletotrichum acutatum_ on _C. sinensis_ var. _sinensis_ in southern China.\n\nOverall, the models predicted that temperatures in current tea growing areas would reach optimum levels for the selected fungal species, favouring the growth and spread of the pathogens. While tea cultivation may be moved into more favourable climates, the wider climate tolerances of pathogens mean that innovative approaches will be needed to protect future tea production.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "2OAIU7IPwkBQDjnRI3E30F" } }, "citation": "Tibpromma S, Dong Y, Ranjitkar S, Schaefer DA, Karunarathna SC, Hyde KD, Jayawardena RS, Manawasinghe IS, Bebber DP, Promputtha I, Xu J, Mortimer PE and Sheng J (2021) Climate-Fungal Pathogen Modeling Predicts Loss of Up to One-Third of Tea Growing Areas. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Frontiers Media SA 11. Available at:", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "NP" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "CN" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "TH" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "GB" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_891" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "2yRn4gjMuwc9Okw7egY8fB", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2021-08-03T06:46:15.882Z", "updatedAt": "2023-04-21T07:43:57.829Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 8, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "featureBlock" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "استخدامات السياسات ذات الصلة بالمناخ للبيانات التي تتوسطها GBIF", "features": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "51171KRV0EhwmHubpfDs3h" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "4gXvEHd0d01xjKxHoYxkQi" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "q0ihj1yN5AGG60YuWAwge" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "83183" } } ], "backgroundColour": "gray", "hideTitle": false } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "358zYJgvl6mERqjfQEOJn1", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2019-08-07T14:28:48.984Z", "updatedAt": "2019-08-09T06:38:09.735Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 3, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "Link" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "label": "Warren et al. (2018) The projected effect on insects, vertebrates, and plants of limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C", "url": "" } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "3ABnLnnXNUMAlkQD3x9Rko", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2022-09-19T15:00:03.032Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T08:44:51.091Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 5, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Urban greenery facing climate risks", "summary": "More than half of tree species across cities worldwide are facing severe climate risks, undermining their roles in climate adaptation and other ecosystem services they provide.", "body": "A [study]( using GBIF-mediated data published this week in Nature Climate Change shows that more than half of trees and shrubs in cities worldwide are currently facing temperatures and precipitation exceeding their tolerance levels. Originally shared as a [preprint]( in May, the study estimates that by 2050 more than 70 per cent of species will be at risk. \n\nUsing the [Global Urban Tree Inventory]( researchers identified relevant species found in in 164 cities across 78 countries worldwide. Based on a list of 3,000+ species they obtained GBIF-mediated [species occurrences]( and vegetation plot data from [sPlotOpen]( Combined, this dataset was used to extract climate variables to characterize baseline climate niches for all species. The authors estimated climate risks by examining changes to five climatic variables as projected under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 6.0 by the year 2050.\n\nWhile 100 per cent of species in certain cities have already exceeded their tolerance levels—such as Barcelona, Niamey and Singapore, all cities investigated are predicted to undergo significant increases in temperature variables. The highest increases are predicted to occur in Helsinki, Winnipeg and Minneapolis, however, climate risks were higher in cities with low readiness score (i.e. vulnerability to climate change and capacity to strengthen resilience), such as Pretoria and New Delhi.\n\nIronically, the study suggests that in addition to recreational value, urban species planted to help mitigate effects of greenhouse gas emissions by sequestering carbon through photosynthesis face severe climate risks, undermining their roles in climate adaptation and other ecosystem services they provide, such as cooling by providing shade and dissapating urban heat through evapotranspiration.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "Oe9gqirGD2osHyntke4Rh" } }, "citation": "Esperon-Rodriguez M, Tjoelker MG, Lenoir J, Baumgartner JB, Beaumont LJ, Nipperess DA, Power SA, Richard B, Rymer PD and Gallagher RV (2022) Climate change increases global risk to urban forests. Nature Climate Change. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Available at: (", "resourceUsed": "181,914,869 species occurrences", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "AU" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "FR" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "3w83GxEMutinasyoRp7tBg", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2023-02-13T16:00:03.389Z", "updatedAt": "2023-02-13T16:00:03.389Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Farming seaweed to feed, power and save the planet", "summary": "Study explores the potential for large-scale seaweed cultivation to advance sustainable development goals and provide environmental and socio-economic benefits through a carbon-sequestering blue economy", "body": "Is it possible that large-scale seaweed farming could aimultaneously reduce agricultural land conversion, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and provide an economically valuable alternative source of food, animal feed and biofuels?\n\nIn this study, researchers first estimated the global cultivation potential by modelling the distribution of 34 seaweed species based on occurrence data from GBIF, the [Atlas of Living Australia]( (ALA) and the [Ocean Biodiversity Information System]( (OBIS) combined with a suite of spatially explicit oceanographic data layers. Using existing literature, the authors then reviewed the potential and sustainability for this suite of species to produce for human food, livestock feed and biofuel conversion. \n\nInformed by these findings, they modelled different scenarios of impact of seaweed substitution on terrestrial agriculture and global sustainability, focusing on __food__, __feed__ or __biofuel__, both separately and combined. They also considered a special scenario of supplementing livestock diets with a specific seaweed taxon (*Asparagopsis*), which reduces methane production.\n\nThe distribution models found ~650 million hectares (Mha) of ocean suitable for seaweed cultivation—roughly three times the size needed to satisfy the demands of all main scenarios combined. \n\nIn the food scenario alone, in which seaweed constituted 10 per cent of global diets, as many as 110 Mha of natural land could be spared, also reducing emissions by more than a billion tons of CO₂ per year.\n\nSupplementing just 0.5 per cent of ruminant diets with *Asparagopsis* would have the potential of mitigating CO₂-equivalent emissions by around 2.6 billion tons per year, requiring only a tiny fraction of sea area compared to all other scenarios. This represents 7.5 per cent of global emissions—equivalent to *all* carbon emissions from fossil fuels in India—in 2021.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "JKS59swWsZiTVrN9cOHKs" } }, "citation": "Spillias S, Valin H, Batka M, Sperling F, Havlík P, Leclère D, Cottrell RS, O’Brien KR and McDonald-Madden E (2023) Reducing global land-use pressures with seaweed farming. Nature Sustainability. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 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While many reef fish may survive increasing ocean temperature, corals are more sensitive, and effects of extinctions caused by bleaching may extend far beyond the species that strictly depend on corals.\n\nIn this study, researchers mapped the global distribution of coral and tropical fish richness using data from GBIF, OBIS and IUCN. They then estimated fish richness dependency on corals using limited natural history information and a statistical model of indirect environmental effects of coral richness on fishes.\n\nSimulating a world without corals, the model predicted that 41 per cent of tropical reef fish species depend on corals and would be lost as well. For a more comprehensive view of the effects of coral loss on fish communities, the authors also considered phylogenetic and functional diversity, for which the model predicted a decline of 32 and 23 per cent, respectively.\n\nWhile total coral reef extinction may sound pessimistic, climate-based projections predict that 100 per cent of the world's coral reefs will have been exposed to at least one bleaching event by the year 2060 in the most severe carbon emissions scenario.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "gyqg0wtcISpSCWAhcTSR9" } }, "citation": "Strona G, Lafferty KD, Fattorini S, Beck PSA, Guilhaumon F, Arrigoni R, Montano S, Seveso D, Galli P, Planes S and Parravicini V (2021) Global tropical reef fish richness could decline by around half if corals are lost. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. The Royal Society 288(1953): 20210274. Available at:", "resourceUsed": "Species occurrences of 7,408 tropical marine fish", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "FI" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "US" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "IT" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "MV" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "FR" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "PF" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "46QVJdiMVSlTfslR5ZYj8S", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2019-08-09T06:40:40.799Z", "updatedAt": "2019-08-09T06:40:40.799Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "Link" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "label": "GBIF feature on Warren et al. 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Target 15 on ecosystem resilience and degradation, however, was poorly served by existing indicators.\n\nIn this paper, researchers from Australia introduce the Bioclimatic Ecosystem Resilience Index (BERI), tailored specifically to assess change in the capacity of ecosystems to retain biological diversity under climate change, thus addressing a key aspect of Aichi Target 15.\n\nOccupying the middle ground between modelling of shifts in species distributions and analyses based on spatiotemporal patterns in climate alone, BERI is calculated based on input from three sources: 1) compositional-turnover models derived from species occurrences of all all terrestrial species (including GBIF-mediated data for vascular plants, reptiles and insects) combined with climate and environmental data, 2) scenarios of plausible future climates, and 3) data on observed changes in habitat condition resulting from ecosystem degradation, conservation and restoration.\n\nAs an example, the authors apply the approach to calculate and assess changes in BERI to a single forest biome (tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests) using turnover models for all vascular plants and habitat conditions for four different years. \n\nThe results show that in general, larger expanses of intact forest have higher BERI values, suggesting that overall levels of habitat loss and fragmentation are key determinants of the capacity of ecosystems to retain biodiversity under climate change. Projected changes in certain climate variables, however, also play an important role as some otherwise intact areas, such as parts of the Amazon, exhibited much lower BERI values than expected, potentially due to future reduction in precipitation.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "3XIFYv7n3XJMNLbZkNLKRq" } }, "citation": "Ferrier S, Harwood TD, Ware C and Hoskins AJ (2020) A globally applicable indicator of the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to retain biological diversity under climate change: The bioclimatic ecosystem resilience index. Ecological Indicators. Elsevier BV 117: 106554. Available at:", "resourceUsed": "79,512,379 species occurrences", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "AU" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_826" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "51171KRV0EhwmHubpfDs3h", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2019-08-09T08:49:53.718Z", "updatedAt": "2021-01-11T09:21:43.216Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 3, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Data from GBIF network bolsters biodiversity findings of IPCC special report", "summary": "Increased data adds more than 31,000 insect species to global-scale assessment of impacts of climate change—then supports 2018 Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C", "body": "> This feature is also published in the [GBIF Science Review 2019](/document/5Lja8XKRwQDwbhxddOWjtm), which highlights important and noteworthy examples of the use and reuse of GBIF-mediated data in research and policy.\n\nIn October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C ([SR15]( Responding to an invitation from the countries that adopted the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, the report aims to “strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.”\n\nThe IPCC SR15 seeks to provide governments with comprehensive, authoritative scientific advice on how environmental risk levels will change between our world and future ones in which the global mean temperature increases by 1.5°C and 2°C above pre-industrial levels. By clearly outlining the choices and trade-offs that decision-makers face, the report also provides them with practical guidance on what’s needed to demonstrate responsible political leadership around climate change.\n\n![Implications of global warming for people, economies and ecosystems (IPCC SR15 fig. SPM.2)](//\n##### _Implications of global warming for people, economies and ecosystems. From figure SPM.2 in_ IPCC SR15: Summary for Policymakers*\n\nLinks between primary biodiversity data and high-level policy documents like SR15 often border on imperceptible, even in the best of circumstances. Comprehensive global assessments examine tens if not hundreds of thousands of scientific research articles, and climate change analyses must canvass an even more scientific, technical and socio-economic dimensions. Citations—much less data citations—refer to only a fraction of the massive bibliographies, making it nearly impossible to trace direct connections back to underlying data with any confidence.\n\nNearly impossible, that is. For the intrepid investigator who follows the trail of citations through the scenic distractions of supplementary materials, the link between the research that underpins SR15’s key biodiversity-related conclusions and data from the GBIF network is unmistakable. What’s more, the steady increase in the amount of GBIF-mediated data during the last decade forms a critical part of these policy-relevant findings.\n\nIn 2013, researchers Rachel Warren and Jeff Price from the University of East Anglia’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research led a multi-author team that published an early, high-profile use of GBIF-mediated data in _Nature Climate Change_. The [paper]( drew on records for nearly 50,000 plant and anmal species, seeking to understand how increases in global temperature could be expected to affect more common species. The findings forecasted drastic reductions in species’ geographic ranges while outlining how quick action to mitigate the impacts of climate change could reduce the scale of these losses and buy time for species to adapt.\n\nFast forward to 2018, when Warren and Price led investigations of a more refined question: how will limiting the increase in global temperature to 1.5°C rather than 2°C affect insects, vertebrates and plants? Writing this time in the journal _Science_, the authors analysed [more than 385 million occurrence GBIF-mediated records](/occurrence/download/0000129-150523225239109) for 105,501 species to find that limiting warming to 1.5°C as compared to 2°C would cut geographical range losses resulting from climate change in half. The supplementary materials explicitly acknowledge how important the increased availability of data from the GBIF network was to the research.\n\n![F3.insects-detail](//\n##### Darker colours indicate projections of reduced species loss, or 'benefits of global annual mean temperature rise in terms of avoided species richness loss of insects' with changes of 1.5°C versus 2°C (top) and 2°C versus 3.2°C (bottom). Detail adapted from Figure 3, Warren et al. (2018).\n\n> ‘Since our previous analysis in 2012, the [authors’] database has been updated and expanded to include nearly 70,000 more species of plants and animals.…Both updates to the GBIF database and increased spatial resolution enabled us to include thousands more species than were available in our earlier studies.’\n\nIn fact, this increase in data availability enabled the introduction of an entire class of animals excluded from the previous analysis—insects, 31,536 species of them. Their earlier omission was limiting, not only because of the role that 'the little things that run the world' (as E.O. Wilson once characterized them) play preserving critical ecosystem functions and services, but also because the authors found that ‘insects benefit most from constraining warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C.’\n\nSR15 draws on other research supported by the GBIF network, at least secondarily, like the dozen of the 131 model predictions reviewed in [Urban’s 2015 meta-analysis]( that reported using GBIF-mediated data. But on the single page (p. 218) allocated to analysing ‘Changes in species range, abundance and extinction rates,’ SR15 refers to Warren et al. 2018 six times—for example, repeating the paper’s conclusion that limiting warming by 0.5°C could lead to a threefold reduction in the number of insect species facing extinction (defined as loss of more than half of geographic range) and halve the risk for plant and vertebrate species.\n\nFor institutions that share data through the GBIF network, the IPCC SR15 is more than a high-profile call to action. The practice of assigning DOIs to user downloads can help reveal the direct connection between policy-relevant scientific research and the underlying data. So when asked why they share their data, GBIF publishers of any of the 5,432 datasets cited in the download can unequivocally state: to contribute to critical policy-relevant science like the first global-scale assessment of climate change impacts on insects and the IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "4JiHrmqz2c2pvzrCoZYMbv" } }, "primaryLink": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "358zYJgvl6mERqjfQEOJn1" } }, "secondaryLinks": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "2eeSjdZQVfvMzpIjInU57l" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "46QVJdiMVSlTfslR5ZYj8S" } } ], "citation": "Warren R, Price J, Graham E, Forstenhaeusler N and VanDerWal J (2018) The projected effect on insects, vertebrates, and plants of limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C. Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 360(6390): 791–795. Available at:\n\n\\* IPCC, 2018: Summary for Policymakers. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, Maycock, M. Tignor, and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 32 pp. Available at:", "resourceUsed": "385,681,365 species occurrences", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "AU" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "GB" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_1213" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_831" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "5gc0n7yCdCMpFNILzmWPyX", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2022-03-17T12:56:59.377Z", "updatedAt": "2022-03-17T12:56:59.377Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Global decline in wild bee diversity", "summary": "Study finds that the number of bee species observed globally has been dwindling since the late 20th century", "body": "Wild bees are the most important group of insect pollinators, essential to the reproduction of hundreds of thousands of wild plant species and 85 per cent of all cultivated plants. There is increasing evidence of declines in wild bee populations, but most studies to date have been limited to smaller taxonomic groups and local, national or regional contexts.\n\nIn this study, researchers reasoned that a global decline among bees would be observable as a decrease in population sizes and ranges, resulting in a diminished chance of observing bees and thus a reduced number of species recorded in GBIF. \n\nBy analysing all occurrences of six bee families (the “true bees”), the authors first demonstrated a clear increase in the number of occurrences per year from 1900 until 2015. While the number of species observed per year also increased steadily throughout the first half of the century, it plateaued and then declined—particularly after 1990.\n\nWhen exploring the geographic distribution of bees by continent, the authors found marked differences in contributions to global diversity and the periods of decline. Europe and North America have the best temporal and spatial coverage in GBIF and exhibited the steepest declines. However, all continents except Oceania appeared to be contributing to the worldwide decline in bee diversity observed.\n\nWhile these results might be affected by heterogeneous data collection, the authors found it more likely that these trends represent real scenarios of declining bee diversity. In the best scenario, thousands of species have become too rare to be observed, while in the worst scenario, they have gone extinct.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "6VwAsX0ggyJLdnJ7ssPDiL" } }, "citation": "Zattara EE and Aizen MA (2021) Worldwide occurrence records suggest a global decline in bee species richness. One Earth. Elsevier BV, 114–123. 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Drivers of changes to lichen proliferation and distribution, however, may be linked, and disentangling effects is necessary to understand the true impact.\n\nTo explore the validity of lichens as indicators of climate change, this study used GBIF-mediated occurrences coupled with Worldclim bioclimatic data to model habitat suitability of 45 designated indicator species in Central Europe. Only 17 species, however, had sufficient historic data for modelling.\n\nThe resulting models revealed that half the investigated species had substantial fractions of their modern occurrences in areas previously considered unsuitable, while the majority of records for just under half of the species were found in suitable climates. \n\nWhile data was lacking for many proposed indicator species, the results of modelling for half the species with sufficient data showed that distributional shifts occurred within areas historically considered suitable, indicating that taxa may be responding to other, more local drivers such as shifting pollution.\n\nThese results question whether the remaining taxa are indeed strong positive indicators of climate change, and the authors call for more quantitative, evidence-based derivations of indicators.", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "6vvn05xg7z38D7PoHtP43g" } }, "citation": "Nelsen MP and Lumbsch HT (2020) A data-driven evaluation of lichen climate change indicators in Central Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 29(14): 3959–3971. Available at:", "resourceUsed": "10,855 species occurrences", "countriesOfResearcher": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "US" } } ], "countriesOfCoverage": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "DE" } } ], "topics": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_970" } } ], "purposes": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_913" } } ], "audiences": [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_852" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "vocab_term_997" } } ], "searchable": true, "homepage": true } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "uo17ejk9rkwj" } }, "id": "83183", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2017-08-16T09:34:42.708Z", "updatedAt": "2017-08-16T09:34:42.708Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "contentType": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "ContentType", "id": "DataUse" } }, "locale": "ar" }, "fields": { "title": "Effects of protected areas on global biodiversity", "summary": "

How effectively do protected areas contribute to maintaining global biodiversity?

\r\n", "body": "

The Aichi biodiversity target 11 commits parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to increasing protected terrestrial areas to 17 per cent by 2020. Protected areas are, however, expensive to maintain and quantifying their effectiveness is therefore crucial. This study present a global analysis of how successful protection is in terms of sustaining biodiversity.


Comparing protected sites with matched unprotected counterparts, the researchers found richness and abundance to be higher in protected sites, however, rarefied richness did not differ. By using GBIF-mediated occurrences to determine range sizes, they also found evidence that protection has little effect on the proportion of individuals within a community that have narrow geographic ranges. Within the protected areas, the most likely explanation of the effects appeared to be differences in land use. The study reinforces the importance of protected areas, but stresses that the effectiveness of protection must be studied to be improved further.

\r\n", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "AImHfXnyCGmQAYmYkuEMK" } }, "primaryLink": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Entry", "id": "6a8MMyieycw0q6w0aw4Gyu" } }, "citation": "

Gray CL, Hill SLL, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Börger L, Contu S, Hoskins AJ, Ferrier S, Purvis A and Scharlemann JPW (2016) Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide. Nature Communications. Springer Nature, 12306. Available at doi:10.1038/ncomms12306.

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million square km. For countries falling behind targets, plans for expansions based on biodiversity and conservation science are needed. \n\nThis study present an example of a systematic national-scale conservation planning process in Guyana, in which only 8.5 per cent of the land area is currently protected. Using published range maps and GBIF-mediated occurrences for species distributions models, the study focuses on 329 vertebrate species as well as 17 vegetation types.\n\nIn the current Guyanan network of protected areas, their results showed that only 48 per cent of vertebrates and 29 per cent of vegetation types are represented, and among threatened species eight are completely absent. To meet all targets, the authors identify new priority areas for conservation, bringing the combined protected area up to 22.5 per cent, however, 17 per cent coverage could be reached by focusing effort on just two areas–the protection of which would mean complete representation.\n\n[Link to original article](", "primaryImage": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Asset", "id": "3CrhOkqsXmWYCAG8WswMk8" } }, "citation": "Bicknell JE, Collins MB, Pickles RSA, McCann NP, Bernard CR, Fernandes DJ, Miller MGR, James SM, Williams AU, Struebig MJ, Davies ZG and Smith RJ (2017) Designing protected area networks that translate international conservation commitments into national action. Biological Conservation. Elsevier BV 214: 168–175. 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Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada by Gord McKenna. Photo licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

It might be the simplest/best approach currently is to add that elusive invisible rtl token character that I cannot remember the name of, but that worked I believe. didn't it @dnoesgaard ?

UPDATE: arabic letter mark

MattBlissett commented 1 year ago

I think this was fixed, Daniel please reopen if not.