gbif / portal-feedback

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Correct Canterbury state region for New Zealand administrative area #4999

Open gbif-portal opened 11 months ago

gbif-portal commented 11 months ago

Correct Canterbury state region for New Zealand administrative area

The current administrative area for the Canterbury region in New Zealand is incorrect and when used can include data points from neighboring regions such as Otago.

Please may a Canterbury state region option be made for administrative areas in New Zealand. This would be very useful for researchers as well as local and central government, e.g., the regional council.

Ngā mihi nui, Morgan Biosecurity Advisor: Invasive Species Environment Canterbury

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MortenHofft commented 11 months ago

Data comes in with coordinates. We then align those points to an external reference catalogue - namely GADM.

But it is possible to contact the GADM team and suggest improvements and report errors. Once they incorporate the suggestions, then we can reprocess the records so that they get assigned to a new administrative area.

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