Open gbif-portal opened 1 year ago
It isn't a documented API option, but it seems to be working
As such I can add it. But before doing so I would like to have it confirmed that it should be a part of the APIv1.
And a comment: just as with eventId it isn't clear to me what the users would expect. It isn't searching the full hierarchy, but only the values on that occurrence. Which is unlike other hierarchies like e.g. taxon and gadm. So:
eventId=event4, parentEventId=event3
) Wouldn't return anything if you searched for eventId=event3
or parentEventId = event2
@acbentley sorry for the late ping, but I think the above suggestion is not what you are requesting. Or at which level would you like to have occurrences? I would think you would want to be able to go from event4 occurrences to all occurrences in event1 and not the nearest parent only.
@CecSve I am not sure about any hierarchy but our data only includes an eventID and parentEventID. We are looking for the same functionality that is found at the eventID level to be propagated to the parentEentID level on the occurrence page.
Have a button to access occurrences associated with parentEvent
This is an idea originally sent to Helpdesk.
On the page of occurrences that have an event, there is a clickable link that selects all the occurrences associated with that event.
Could there be the same for occurrences associated with the same parentEvent?
For example:
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