Open gbif-portal opened 11 months ago
Replied by email
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to visualize the occurrence of a species on our website (other than looking at the map).
That being said, you can use our occurrence search API to have the occurrences for a specific selection by GADM area. This requires a bit of programming. For example, here is how to get the preserved specimen of Ophisaurus attenuatus Baird, 1880 per state: You will need to match the GADM identifiers to their values. For example, USA.17_1 is the identifier for Kansas, see:
If you aren’t familiar with the API, I suggest watching our Data Use Club recorded webinar on the topic here.
Could we add the GADM areas to the custom metrics drop down list?
We need County level information for species in a state. How do we download that into a column in excel or see it in the table that your website has. We can't go through tens of thousands of records to see which county the were from?
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