gbif / portal-feedback

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[pygbif] Problem with polygon queries #5180

Closed gbif-portal closed 4 months ago

gbif-portal commented 4 months ago

[pygbif] Problem with polygon queries

For a few weeks now, I've been unable to make queries using a polygon representing a large bouding box (in my example, France), although the queries work on smaller areas such as regions.

The query is received without a hitch, but after a few minutes, the hits found are no longer displayed and I receive an empty file as output.

Occitanie polygon (works) : 'POLYGON((4.845533483455289 42.33275510855692, 4.845533483455289 45.04663821933639, -0.327653133697266 45.04663821933639, -0.327653133697266 42.33275510855692, 4.845533483455289 42.33275510855692)'

France polygon (doesn't work) : 'POLYGON((9.560363710038699 41.33319101116324, 9.560363710038699 51.08984197104998, -5.142238397973238 51.08984197104998, -5.142238397973238 41.33319101116324, 9.560363710038699 41.33319101116324)'

User: See in registry - Send email System: Chrome 121.0.0 / Windows 10.0.0 Referer: Window size: width 1553 - height 711 API log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'3390a910-fcda-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) Site log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'5c73f360-fce3-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) System health at time of feedback: OPERATIONAL

CecSve commented 4 months ago

Changes to the API to better support event dates caused an issue with the event date predicates for downloads. The issue has been fixed and the user has been contacted.