gbif / portal-feedback

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Representation of MoF data on portal #5431

Open gbif-portal opened 4 weeks ago

gbif-portal commented 4 weeks ago

Representation of MoF data on portal

For dataset I added a large MoF-extension file with biometric values. On the GBIF portal I see that these represented in a somewhat non-logical order. For example:

If measurementUnit would be placed directly after measurementValue then it will better readable, because both parameters are closely related

User: See in registry - Send email System: Chrome 127.0.0 / Windows 10.0.0 Referer: Window size: width 1707 - height 781 API log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'3390a910-fcda-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) Site log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'5c73f360-fce3-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) System health at time of feedback: OPERATIONAL datasetKey: 6efaa343-80d2-4581-866a-eaa27bf5e352 publishingOrgKey: 642dd0e8-2661-4e9a-93b3-340976a8565e

MortenHofft commented 3 weeks ago

the problem is that objects do not have an order i guess. That said most software respect ordering of maps I believe.

The fragment is nicely ordered but the ordering is different when processed

And we render all extensions without custom logic. We just take whatever terms come and copy them blindly in.

Another way to fix this would be for to have a custom renderer per extension that made sure that the ordering was kept.