Open gbif-portal opened 1 month ago
Publisher contacted via helpdesk
I am not entirely sure exactly what goes on behind the scenes, but I believe this has to do with certain contractual obligations of the publisher. It is very frustrating, especially as the site touts the "collecting, enhancing and sharing biodiversity data".
The dataset metadata says:
From the Netherlands on a 5 x 5 km scale, data from other countries are exact.
A small improvement would be to say how to get the original data (if that's possible).
If I look at a certain species observation in The Netherlands on the website itself, they provide the ‘exact’ coordinates (e.g. GPS: 51.xxxx 5.xxxx). However, data for The Netherlands that is displayed on the GBIF website uses a data generalization method. This doesn’t apply to, for example, Germany or France. Because of this, an exported file from GBIF data only contains a general coordinate (e.g. 52.1 ; 5.2). In QGIS this generalized point does contain all the different species within that coordinate range, but unlike other countries they don’t get displayed as individual points. Why is that? How can I resolve this?
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