Open gbif-portal opened 7 years ago
I see that @rdmpage is the dataset contact
The portal should have suggested to direct this feedback to the dataset contact. I will look into why it doesn't do that. Other than that this is a content issue. And users providing feedback always have the option to use Github instead of the email of the dataset contact. Follow up: we only redirect to mail if there is a registered administrative contact which isn't the case for this dataset
I realize this is a special case, as this is a temporarily adopted dataset that is about to be migrated back home. However, on the automated feedback question @MortenHofft: in principle, should that not be extended to have the "primary contact" notified in such a case, if existing?
On the content side, @dschigel: from context, it is not quite clear to me whether indeed the wrong image is used to document the species, as the issue title suggests, or whether rather an illustrated specimen has been misidentified, or records mixed. This kind of feedback should probably be handed to the curator of the physical collection behind the dataset, if possible.
Yep, wrong image, wrong sequence or wrong annotation at the BOLD end
@ahahn-gbif There is no administrative contact registered for the dataset. only a metadata author that happens to have a mail. We could refer to any contact with a mail, but Kyle Braak suggested only doing so in case of an actually registered administrative contact and not to any person with a mail. Therefore the interface do not suggest a contact person for the dataset
Feedback sent to BOLD
Id is still wrong.
Image of the wrong species used
The image is from a Staphylinidae beetle, not a Ciid
fbitem-occurrence1414957095 Reported by: @dschigel System: Firefox 51.0.0 / Windows 10 0.0.0 Referer: Window size: width 1536 - height 741 API log&_a=(columns:!(request,response,clientip),filters:!(),index:'prod-varnish-',interval:auto,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'response:%3E499%20AND%20(')),sort:!('@timestamp',desc))&indexPattern=uat-varnish-&type=histogram) Site log&_a=(columns:!(request,response,clientip),filters:!(),index:'prod-varnish-',interval:auto,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'response:%3E399%20AND%20(')),sort:!('@timestamp',desc))&indexPattern=uat-varnish-&type=histogram) datasetKey: 040c5662-da76-4782-a48e-cdea1892d14c publishingOrgKey: 92f51af1-e917-49bc-a8ed-014ed3a77bec