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GRSciColl - improve how we handle deleted institution #1852

Closed gbif-portal closed 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

GRSciColl - improve how we handle deleted institution

This is based on some feedback received on Helpdesk:

Using Google and search 'SNSB GBIF data publisher', the first result you get is this website: A deletet one. Is it possible to delete it completly, to make it not findable or to forward the people to the right one (

Not sure if it would be more for @marcos-lg or @MortenHofft

Github user: @ManonGros User: See in registry - Send email System: Safari 16.1.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7 Referer: Window size: width 1594 - height 864 API log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'3390a910-fcda-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) Site log&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:'5c73f360-fce3-11ea-a9ab-4375f2a9d11c',interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:''),sort:!())) System health at time of feedback: OPERATIONAL

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

It seems reasonable to ask robots not to index deleted datasets/institutions/ etc. And to forward it to replacements if any (that is what we do for datasets)

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago


TanjaWeibulat commented 1 year ago

Hi @MortenHofft, I still get the deleted website when I search for 'SNSB GBIF data publisher' or 'GBIF Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns' in google. Kind regards, Tanja

MortenHofft commented 1 year ago

Thanks @TanjaWeibulat - 2 things need to happen before you will see any changes. First I need to deploy the code. Currently it is just fixed in code, but not deployed to our production environment. Secondly Google need to revisit our pages to discover that things have changed. So it will take a while before you see the change I'm afraid.

TanjaWeibulat commented 1 year ago

Dear @MortenHofft, Thank you for the explanation! So I'll have another look in a few weeks. Best regards, Tanja