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Include Funder Information #258

Open gbif-portal opened 7 years ago

gbif-portal commented 7 years ago

Include Funder Information

On the country 'pop up' it would be good to include the name of the funder(s), offering them greater visibility.

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kbraak commented 7 years ago

Copying over this related comment from @rdmpage suggesting GBIF track longer term relationships with funders:

Thinking strategically, what matters more, projects or funders? Projects are often short-lived (relative to, say, GBIF), funders may also be around a lot longer. Would it not make sense to think about tracking funders in GBIF? I wonder whether, from GBIF's perspective, it may be helpful long term to be able to show that GBIF hosts data that funders x, y, and z have funded. This may help (a) GBIF make the case that it provides valuable service to the community of researchers a funder supports, (b) thus perhaps helping Heads of Delegation make the case for annual funding for GBIF, and (c) help researchers make the case for support for getting data into GBIF (they can point to other data sets that funder has supported).

Note that many funding agencies now have DOIs, and are being tracked in CrossRef (as funders of publications), and by data stores such as Zenodo.

Not saying we can't track funders and also recognise projects, but it seems to me that there's a bigger game here than playing nice with projects (as much as we want to do that, obviously it is nice to be able to provide information for projects on what data they've generated).

EU BON is a European project that ends May 2017, that's a year from now. GBIF will still be around, as will funding agencies. Shouldn't we be thinking about the longer term relationship (albeit indirect) with funders?

kbraak commented 7 years ago

We could also show what types of data gaps funders are interested in funding, when applicable. By better advertising funders' needs and future opportunities for support, data publishers will have a strong incentive to get involved, rally around the funders' goals, and help address data gaps.

Note @dschigel @ahahn-gbif @siro1 this idea was gathered from the recent joint NSG SC meeting.

kcopas commented 7 years ago

See #251 . This should be part of the 'Focus on people' activity, which should structure content for both individuals and organizations.

Note too that Søren's initial comment here is about the voting participants' funders, which is a smaller subset of research and project funders (but should be structured in like fashion).