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Explore adding DOIs to GRSciColl entries #320

Open ManonGros opened 3 years ago

ManonGros commented 3 years ago

This is something we can only consider working on after the bulk of deduplication is done.

An idea we briefly mentioned would be to add DOI only upon request of the institutions, based on certain criteria to be defined. For example: the institution clearly identifies a person who can act with authority for their registration.

dagendresen commented 3 years ago

-1 for DOI for institutions (they have or should rather register for) a ROR or Grid identifiers. +1 for DOI for collections (based on self-registration and strict requirements for a minimum metadata profile)

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure this came up at least in passing during our early discussions upon adopting GRSciColl, which very much aligned with the comment from @dagendresen in recommending the use of ROR and/or GRID. Applying DOIs to collections makes sense, but I think using them for organizations/institutions would be a mistake.