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Update MIxS namespace in dna-derived-data exstention. #51

Closed ramonawalls closed 3 years ago

ramonawalls commented 3 years ago uses as the namespace for MIxS terms. Please note that per we will be using https://w3id/gensc/terms/ for the MIxS namespace, with a seven digit opaque ID for each term. We hope to have those term ID released by January 2021.

There are several old namespaces floating around for MIxS terms, but they don't all resolve and none are authoritative at this time. We are trying to fix this. See GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs-rdf#31.

mdoering commented 3 years ago

https://w3id/gensc/terms/ is an odd and invalid IRI that should not be used. https://w3id/gensc/1234567 seems more appropriate.

thomasstjerne commented 3 years ago

@ramonawalls Are these IDs those in the MIXS column in the MIxS v5 template ?

E.g. the field experimental_factor should be https://w3id/gensc/terms/0000008?

We simply processed that template, so I can update it from there if the information is already present.

ramonawalls commented 3 years ago

https://w3id/gensc/terms/ is an odd and invalid IRI that should not be used. https://w3id/gensc/1234567 seems more appropriate.

We need several namespaces within gensc, for clarity, thus the /terms. We could just use the base namespace for the terms, but I think buidling resolvers will be easier if we use the sub-namespaces. I can bring this up with our group.

ramonawalls commented 3 years ago

@ramonawalls Are these IDs those in the MIXS column in the MIxS v5 template ?

E.g. the field experimental_factor should be https://w3id/gensc/terms/0000008?

We simply processed that template, so I can update it from there if the information is already present.

Not yet. They will only take affect with MIxS 6. I could point you at the spread sheet with the IDs now, but since they are not released yet, that would be dangerous (i.e. some things are likely to change).

ramonawalls commented 3 years ago

Also note correction: Namespace should be

frafra commented 3 years ago

Is there any update on that or anything that can be done about it? We would like to add MixS extension for DarwinCore in our IPT instance.

timrobertson100 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @frafra
The outstanding issue is what namespace to scope the concepts in the controlled vocabularies, which we are discussing now. Once that is clear we expect this can be released and we'll do all we can to make this happen as soon as possible.

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

The extension has now been released, so it should now be possible to use it in the IPT.