gbildson / nprizeadditions

This project mainly includes a pure Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) model and a conditional RBM model. Unpolished versions of Factored RBM, SVD++, Time Dependent SVD++, Integrated Model, etc can be found in the "other" subdirectory.
GNU General Public License v2.0
22 stars 8 forks source link

request for the qualifying.txt #4

Open jianguda opened 8 years ago

jianguda commented 8 years ago

Hey, i am doing a work of optimizing the RMSE of Collaborative Filtering ( i think RBM could perform better combined with louvain, the community dectection algorithm ). And i am searching the qualifying.txt which was said to be provided officially when the competition is over. Would you please send one copy if you still hold one ? 3Q very much

gbildson commented 8 years ago

I have the qualify.bin as output from this:

but I don't have the qualify.txt handy anywhere.

It appears to be a binary representation of qualify.txt. Would that help? Netflix doesn't want this data publicly available so if so, send me your email address.

jianguda commented 8 years ago it would be helpful, thanks a lot

KeepKool commented 8 years ago

Hi, just notifying that Movielens recently published a 20M ratings dataset that is free of any legal obligation except "fair use" and can be found at the following location :


jianguda commented 8 years ago

i rethink the MovieLens dataset, maybe it is more suitable to evaluate my idea. 3Q @KeepKool

KeepKool commented 8 years ago

Ditto, I didn't know about the Louvain algorithm and may have a look at it eventually [=