gbl / Beenfo

A small Minecraft mod that shows information about the content of bee nests and hives.
MIT License
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Sometimes crashes on secondary click #16

Closed AestheticSkye closed 1 year ago

AestheticSkye commented 3 years ago


ArtiTice commented 3 years ago

+1 Righting clicking on bee hive causes freezes/crashes sometimes.

gbl commented 3 years ago

I wasn't able to reproduce this myself, it seems to happen under some very specific circumstances only. Can you tell me a bit more (are you playing single player, or on a Fabric server, or on a Spigot/Paper server? Does it only happen when you're holding a specific item in your hand?)

I made a version that logs a bit more what's happening where; could you try this: and send me a crash log of that if it happens again? Thanks.

ArtiTice commented 3 years ago

Sure, I was playing on my modded Fabric server and right clicked on the bee hive with nothing in my hand. It either freezes sometimes or it crashes my Minecraft client sometimes. I do have a lot of other mods installed. I'll provide a generated mod list. I will also install the debug version and let you know if it happens again and provide my crash log. modlist.txt

ArtiTice commented 3 years ago

Also just realized upon crash that the debug version you gave me was 1.17. Can you provide the 1.16.5 version? Thanks

gbl commented 3 years ago

Oh wow! When I backported the debug stuff to 1.16.5, I noticed I had fixed a bug with opening the screen in 20w49a, but that fix never made it back to 1.16.5. I repaired that now, and just uploaded a beenfo-1.16.5-fabric0.30.0-1.3.1.jar to CurseForge and Modrinth. Quite certain you won't have the bug any more if you use that version.

ArtiTice commented 3 years ago

Nice, I'll let you know if I happen to encounter any more issues with the newest version.

ArtiTice commented 3 years ago

Seems the newest beenfo version(1.3.1) causes my server to crash. On the client it runs fine. Here is the server output log right before it crashed. Server Output.txt

gbl commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, you're right, seems a fix I made at some point didn't make it into the 1.3.1 version - this happens when you try to keep 1.16 fabric, 1.16 forge and 1.17 fabric in sync. Fortunately, your old version on the server and the new version on the client should be able to work together. Anyway, I just released a 1.3.2 version, which hopefully works everywhere.