A testing suite for regression testing of the tutorial(s) was created
A preliminary test against a closed form solution of a smaller model was created
A basic test of the parser was created
Multiprocessing on Windows
A pull-request with the relevant changes was created for grglib
Gregor’s simplifications were adopted
Estimation Tutorial
An estimation tutorial for pydsge was created based on a script provided by Gregor
Several issues that were discovered in the process were fixed, documentation was improved
[ ] To-do: Parts where we were uncertain were highlighted
Pre-commit check of Code style
A pre-commit hook was created which, among others, includes black, blacken and flake8 (with several adjustments)
Continuous Integration Workflow
To enable cross-platform and cross-version code control and maintenance, a github CI workflow for Unix, MacOs and Windows as well as Python 3.8 and 3.9 was created. (Having a specific badge for these environments would require Anaconda)
[ ] To-do: Update Badge URL
The CI workflow runs the pytest framework and, if needed, can be set to update the pickle used for the tests (Ubuntu with python 3.8 is used as the stable version.)
A brief summary of the changes: