Adds 2 cmake configuration options GFX_ENABLE_GUI and GFX_ENABLE_SCENE which default to disabled. The first option enables imgui support while the second adds all the dependencies needed for gfx_scene (glm, stb, cgltf, tinyobjloader, tinyexr, ktx). CMake uses FetchContent to optionally pull in these dependencies replacing the old usage of submodules. This way if an option is not selected the dependencies are not checked out which significantly reduces repository checkout time and size.
Adds 2 cmake configuration options
which default to disabled. The first option enables imgui support while the second adds all the dependencies needed for gfx_scene (glm, stb, cgltf, tinyobjloader, tinyexr, ktx). CMake uses FetchContent to optionally pull in these dependencies replacing the old usage of submodules. This way if an option is not selected the dependencies are not checked out which significantly reduces repository checkout time and size.