gboudreau / XBMCnfoMoviesImporter.bundle

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Actor Thumbs - Info Needed #149

Open SeeKayOne opened 1 year ago

SeeKayOne commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to get the Actor Thumbs feature of this agent working for a collection of movies on my WD MyCloud Plex server, but I'm struggling without a little more info about how to set it up or how it actually works. There are several questions below, but they're all related, so I thought for posterity I should put them all in one post (I did research them all first, but to no avail). I've numbered each question hoping that will make it easier to respond. I'm grateful for any info anyone has about any of the following:

    • Maybe most importantly, how do I know if it's working? Where in the Plex app would I expect to see Actor Thumbs displayed? Underneath the main "movie thumbnail" on the movie's "detail" page? (A screenshot would be worth a thousand words!)
    • If I'm testing and I make changes to either the Agent settings or to the .nfo files, how do I make sure those changes are fully propagated to Plex so I can know whether the change succeeded or failed? Is it enough to do "Refresh Metadata" (and maybe also "Scan Library Files")? Or do I need to remove the folder from the Library, re-scan the library to clear out all the entries, then add the folder back?
    • Same question as above but what if I've added an image file for an actor? Or replaced an existing one?
    • I am intending to use the "Global" option. I assume this means the global path specified in Agent options is used, and any path/filename set in the .nfo file for the thumbnail is ignored. Is that right? If I change that setting and do "Refresh Metadata" for that library, would that make everything update? Or do I need to remove files THEN re-scan while library is empty THEN re-add files to the Library?
    • If I wanted to use an path specified using the tag in the movie's .nfo file instead, would I choose the "link" option for "actor thumb location"? I'm assuming "link" works with both internet links and local files ("local" meaning in another folder on the same MyCloud device). FWIW I have accurate links in the .nfo files today - but I'm unsure about the notation I've used for the path to the folder. I also believe these are currently ignored because I'm using the "global" option for the actor thumbs location.
    • This one's a longshot, but does anyone know what notation is expected for the path set for the "global" Actor Thumbs option for a MyCloud device? I've tried to get the path right by copying what Plex shows for that path if I set it as a folder in a library and pasting it into "path to movie library or global actor folder" in the Agent settings. This means I'm using "/shares/Movies/Extras/ActorThumbs" (note that "shares" is not an actual folder - but Plex puts that as the top-level folder when I add this path to a library - I'm wondering if that's MyCloud-specific). That doesn't seem to have worked (or something else isn't right - see all other questions above!)
    • Same question as above but for the individual Actor Thumb image files referenced in the movie's .nfo file.