gbowne1 / RadioLogger

A Radio Logging application build with NodeJS and ExpressJS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[TODO] Fix the dashboard.html #1

Closed gbowne1 closed 1 year ago

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago

The dashboard.html needs to be fixed.

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago


The dashboard still has the dropdown on the right. I was hoping last nights PR and merge would fix it.. but it didn't. I tried adjusting the CSS to make the cards the way they should be

The page that loads at localhost:3000/ this page should be a cover screen with a modal with a photo and the title RadioLogger and a button that will allow you to go to the login and register page login.html. The client side controller app.js could do this because it is a DOM side.

The index.html here should just pass in the client side app.js and/or server side app.js as its dependency file as a script tag and a defer possibly even a crossorigin.. It would act sort of like a splash screen.

jzunigarce commented 1 year ago

Well, i apply the change in the dashboard.html. a are you check this?. I suggest create a header file and implement in the other pages

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago

yeah I had to refresh. And yeah we should make a header.html because it is a reuseable component and won't change.

Am making some changes to cards at the moment.

Edit: it has a small bug.. when you refresh it is on the right, but then you have to click on it to get it to work right properly. Probably needs a ::before and/or ::after

I made dashboard.css use variables its is :root like --card-height: 420px; instead,

jzunigarce commented 1 year ago

I fixed that the menu no longer appeared open at startup, I'll upload the change in a PR

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago

Ok cool. Let me push the dashboard change.

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago

we should probably make a card-container too. Bootstrap 5.2+ has some interesting new variables.

gbowne1 commented 1 year ago

Moving this to