First Name: This field captures the user's first name.
Last Name: This field captures the user's last name.
Email Address: This field captures the user's email address, which is often used as a unique identifier for the account. This will not be required for login.
Password: This field captures the user's chosen password for account authentication. This should also have an eye icon to toggle password visibility.
Confirm Password: This field asks the user to re-enter the password to ensure accuracy.
Username: This field captures the user's desired username, which may be used for account identification.
Fix the CSS declaration error 'Error in parsing value for ‘columns’. Declaration dropped.'
Resgiter will have these fields:
First Name: This field captures the user's first name.
Last Name: This field captures the user's last name.
Email Address: This field captures the user's email address, which is often used as a unique identifier for the account. This will not be required for login.
Password: This field captures the user's chosen password for account authentication. This should also have an eye icon to toggle password visibility.
Confirm Password: This field asks the user to re-enter the password to ensure accuracy.
Username: This field captures the user's desired username, which may be used for account identification.
Fix the CSS declaration error 'Error in parsing value for ‘columns’. Declaration dropped.'