gbowne1 / RadioLogger

A Radio Logging application build with NodeJS and ExpressJS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fixing the defines in the server and the API's #87

Closed gbowne1 closed 11 months ago

gbowne1 commented 11 months ago

Trying to fix some undefineds in the server. Seems to work a little bit better too.

Worked on a bit of the server and API trying to fix some of the things that ESLint found missing as far as defines, etc.

jzunigarce commented 11 months ago

On the follower.controller i suggest removing app.listen, since the server is already running

gbowne1 commented 11 months ago

Was just trying to sort out some of loose ends errors here and other stuff ESLint found.

When I'm back at the pc again in 8 hrs or so I will fix more stuff.

I need to clean up the html a bit too.

I was able to test some stuff.

I wasn't too sure about the follow thing but will fix that too. I was going off of some of the other code we had to make that.