gbrandt1 / southpole-vcvrack

Southpole Modules for VCV Rack
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Splash envelope modes don't match graphic #28

Open darloth opened 6 years ago

darloth commented 6 years ago

Probably related to

Splash's faceplate clearly shows the green mode should be an Attack-Decay envelope with no hold time, wheras red mode should be an Attack-Sustain-Release, presumably sustaining while the gate is high. This is what the original Tides module manual says as well, as far as I can determine.

In practice this is reversed: - offscreen input is a Clocked from Impromtu but anything that produces a gate with a high and low phase will show this.

(Since I lack a physical Tides module, I've looked around the internet to try and confirm whether the hardware also does this, but I can't find any video where someone is using it in either envelope mode and has the camera sufficiently focussed on it to tell for sure, sorry. That said, your virtual module has an infographic, and that graphic doesn't match what your module actually does, so, I thought it should have an issue.)

SteveRussell33 commented 5 years ago

Proposed fix: