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Typos in Learning Guides #532

Closed Tev1903 closed 3 years ago

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

I proof read all the guides. Here's what I found...

In the Sittuyin Guide this line is written:  "When one side has only a bare king remaining, there are certain "counting rules" (see above) which come into effect..." There is nothing to "see above" as the counting rules were a part of the Makruk guide.

In Kyotoshogi Guide: "Unlike in shogi, each piece (except the King) must flip to the other side fater moving". Should say "after".

In Dobutsu Guide: "In lieu of moving a piece, you can also drop these captured back on to the board". Should say "these captured pieces back on to the board.

In Xiangqi Guide: "Second is the palaces" Should say "second are the palaces". Also "3 x 3 squares at each end of the board that has diagonal lines inside". Should be "have" instead of "has".

In Capahouse 960 guide: "So for example,R@e4 means". There should be a space before the R. Same typo exists in S-Chess 960 Guide, Grandhouse Guide, Crazyhouse Guide...

In Orda Guide: "However, a very fundamental component of a majority Horde openings". Should say "a majority of Horde openings".

In Synochess Guide: "If you drop them too early, you only block yoruselves in". Should be "yourself".

In Shinobi Guide: "is like a Knight but ocan only move". Should be "can". Also, "The Knights that start on the board can similar exert pressure". Should say, "The knights that start on the board can exert similar pressure", or, "The knights that start on the board can similarly exert pressure"

gbtami commented 3 years ago

Thx! @CouchTomato87 may I ask you to review this, please?

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Tev1903 The Learning Guide has been written in markdown. So, I think you can correct these typos yourself.

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

@Diwaditya Thing is, I'm not a programmer so I have no idea what that means. I even tried to reply to you and accidentally closed the issue. So perhaps the experts should handle it lol.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Tev1903 I can't find any typo in S-chess 969 guide. Did you mean S-house guide? Please clear my doubt.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Tev1903 Also, please tell me what should I do with and

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

Ah, I meant the S-House guide. Where it says "So for example,R@e4".

As for Sittuyin, at the bottom of the guide, under "Tactics", It refers to the counting rules and says "see above". The problem is that the counting rules do not appear in the Sittuyin Guide. The counting rules appear in the Makruk guide. So perhaps that section in the Makruk guide should be pasted into the Sittuyin guide.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Tev1903 Also, help in would be appreciated :)

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

So in the Shinobi guide there are two issues. One is a typo, the other is an incorrectly structured sentence. First, the typo. Look under the wooden horse info where it says "The Wooden Horse (or Horse, for short) is like a Knight but ocan only move...". As you can see there, "ocan" should be "can".

As for the incorrectly structured sentence, in the same wooden horse info, it says "The Knights that start on the board can similar exert pressure". It should say, "The Knights that start on the board can exert similar pressure" OR "The Knights that start on the board can similarly exert pressure"

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

The word "exert" should come before "similar" OR the word "similar" should be changed to "similarly"

CouchTomato87 commented 3 years ago

I can't believe I made all these typos! Thanks for looking into these. Please feel free to make changes since I'm unable to work on anything for the next couple days.

Regarding the wooden horse, thst was also a typo. It should have said "similarly."

ghost commented 3 years ago

Should I fix 'em? :D

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

The man himself has spoken! Make it "similarly". Don't worry @CouchTomato87 , you were spending all your time making those awesome variants :)

ghost commented 3 years ago

@Tev1903 I think the writer of sittuyin guide was pointing to this as "above"

Additional conditions for draws:

Tev1903 commented 3 years ago

Hmmm. Well I'm not too familiar with the rules of Makruk or Sittiyun. It looked like the counting rules in Makruk also applied to Sittiyun. it also looked like the Tactics section in Sittiyun was copy and pasted from Makruk. Looking at it now, there are minor differences. Anyway, I thought the writer of the guide copy and pasted the tactics section while forgetting to add the counting rules that he would reference. As you have raised sufficient doubt in my own mind, I wouldn't change anything. You're probably right.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@gbtami don't you think, this should get closed? Since, the typos are fixed.