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WG7: Classification issues #22

Closed gbuehler closed 3 years ago

gbuehler commented 3 years ago

Justification: There might be a need to harmonize the various standards that deal with classification issues, such as ISO 19110, ISO 19126 and ISO 19144-1, together with the ontology standards, ISO 19150-x, bearing in mind the many new domains that need standards for geographic information, such as smart cities, big data, sensor networks, the Internet of things, etc. This also includes aspects such as the meaning of a point of interest. Proposal: Perhaps set up an ad hoc group to explore the issues?

gbuehler commented 3 years ago

Resolution 775 Ad hoc group on classification issues Noting the comments on the revision of ISO 19126 (N 3982), ISO/TC 211 decides to establish an ad hoc group on the topic of geographic information classification schemes.

The ad hoc group shall develop and present their scope of work for discussion at the next plenary.

The ISO/TC 211 accepts the offer from the WG 7 Convenor, Mr. Antony Cooper, to chair the group.

ISO/TC 211 instructs the secretariat to send out a call for members of the group before the end of June.

Unanimous Resolution from Wellington (NZ) plenary meeting (Nov 2017):

Resolution 865 Workshop on Classification methods ISO/TC 211 resolves to organize a workshop on classification methods during the 46th plenary meeting week. ISO/TC 211 invites National Bodies, liaison organizations and relevant committees to contribute to the workshop, their experiences with the abstraction of reality, such as top-down and bottom-up classification methods or their experiences with relevant standards.

ISO/TC 211 invites the Chair of the Ad hoc group on Classification issues to convene the workshop. Resolution from Copenhagen (May 2018)

Resolution 896 Ad hoc group on classification issues Noting the report of the Ad hoc group on classification issues, ISO/TC 211 accepts their proposed scope of work to produce a report on the following classification issues within the context of ISO/TC 211 and its standards: relevant classification theory, such as the use of metalanguages for classification; use cases; tools for assembling, using and visualizing classification; guidelines on building a classification; guidelines on which ISO/TC 211 standards to use and when; suggestions on whether or not the existing ISO/TC 211 standards related to classification should be revised and/or integrated, and if further standards should be developed; and whether or not ISO/TC 211 should develop any classification standards for specific domains. Resolution 936 Disbanding the ad hoc group on classification issues ISO/TC 211 resolves to disband the ad hoc group on classification issues. ISO/TC 211 thanks the convenor, Dr. Antony Cooper, and the members of the ad hoc group for their dedicated work.