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Error 422 when saving #65

Open amadeupons opened 3 years ago

amadeupons commented 3 years ago

This JSKOS record could not be saved:

  "ADDRESS": {
    "code": "08001",
    "country": "Spain",
    "locality": "Barcelona",
    "street": "Carme, 47"
  "CONTACT": "",
  "FORMAT": [
      "uri": ""
  "created": "2020-11-09T07:11:50.047Z",
  "creator": [
      "prefLabel": {
        "en": "Amadeu Pons i Serra"
      "uri": ""
  "definition": {
    "en": [
      "Dictionary specialized on geography, in Catalan. "
    "und": [
      "Diccionari especialitzat en geografia, en català."
  "extent": "4,000 terms (1998-04)",
  "languages": [
  "prefLabel": {
    "ca": "Aportació a la terminologia geogràfica catalana",
    "en": "Contribution to the Catalan geographical terminology"
  "publisher": [
      "prefLabel": {
        "en": "Institut d
nichtich commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the error report. Unfortunately I cannot easily spot the problem because the record is cut. Could you try to create the vocabulary by adding only some of the fields (e.g. title, languages, extent, abstract), save it and continue editing by addition of more and more details? I guess the bug is in one of the fields but I have to find out which.

amadeupons commented 3 years ago


If the field Subject is blank, the record is saved normally. But if I put something there, the error appears.

Something goes wrong with the Subject field.

Best wishes,

Amadeu Pons i Serra Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals Melcior de Palau, 140 08014 Barcelona Tel. 93 403 57 82

De: Jakob Voß Enviat el: dilluns, 9 de novembre de 2020 10:37 Per a: gbv/ A/c: Amadeu Pons i Serra; Author Tema: Re: [gbv/] Error 422 when saving (#65)

Thanks for the error report. Unfortunately I cannot easily spot the problem because the record is cut. Could you try to create the vocabulary by adding only some of the fields (e.g. title, languages, extent, abstract), save it and continue editing by addition of more and more details? I guess the bug is in one of the fields but I have to find out which.

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