gbv / cocoda-sdk

SDK for Cocoda and coli-conc services
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Add SPARQL Provider #33

Open nichtich opened 3 years ago

nichtich commented 3 years ago

LOV has a SPARQL endpoint and a REST API. Most LOV vocabularies had been imported to BARTOC but no updates yet (

nichtich commented 2 years ago

EU Vocabularies also provides a SPARQL endpoint for their vocabularies, we are already in contact to integrate into BARTOC.

See SPARQL Explorer presented at SWIB21 for a tool to inspect SPARQL endpoints.

nichtich commented 1 year ago

An example of a vocabulary with public SPARQL API is The Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging. We used to download, transform and import the vocabulary but better switch to external API of its publishers.

Sample query to get Top Concepts and mappings from (see button "saved queries" to get more examples):

PREFIX skos: <>
select * where { 
    ?concept skos:topConceptOf <>.
    OPTIONAL { ?concept skos:exactMatch ?exactMatch }
    OPTIONAL { ?concept skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel }
} limit 100 

Skosmos uses SPARQL to access SKOS vocabularies as well so looking at its source code may help.

nichtich commented 11 months ago

See for an approach to query diverse SPARQL endpoint for SKOS data:

nichtich commented 7 months ago

We could reuse @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-catalog with description and SPARQL templates for several vocabularies.

nichtich commented 5 months ago

Another use case is LIDO vocabularies, available via SPARQL at