gbv / cocoda

A web-based tool for creating mappings between knowledge organization systems.
MIT License
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MappingBrowser: Extend mapping schemes with known notation #136

Closed nichtich closed 6 years ago

nichtich commented 6 years ago

With mappings retrieved via mapping providers don't need to include a scheme notation such as "RVK". Cocoda should infer the notation from known concept scheme URI.

stefandesu commented 6 years ago

When a concept is added to the Vuex store, the "inScheme" property already gets replaced with the object reference for the concept scheme that's already in the Vuex store (if there is one). So to fix this issue, we'd only have to add all concepts from mappings to the Vuex store.

It would be good to have an example where this is the case.

stefandesu commented 6 years ago

My previous comment was basically irrelevant because we're not using the concepts' inScheme property but rather fromScheme and toScheme of the mapping. I implemented this issue accordingly.