gbv / paia

Specification of Patrons Account Information API (PAIA)
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Feature: Reset password #68

Closed tzeumer closed 1 year ago

tzeumer commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if PAIA had a method for resetting a (forgotten) password. This requires that an email (or maybe a mobile number for sms in the future) has been set where a verification/approval link can be send to the patron.

(Well, thinking of it, some kind of administrativ/admin reset for a user id would be really nice too. But this is really only - but in fact - interesting if you have to reset it programmatically in multiple system - like ldap - at the same time).

nichtich commented 5 years ago

I think this feature would not be placed well in PAIA for two reasons:

nichtich commented 5 years ago

We could send a valid token for method change but this method requires old_password. Anyway, the application flow to reset a password is:

  1. request password reset (the feature requested)
  2. get a secret that allows to set a new password (by mail, by SMS, by pigeon...)
  3. optionally legitimate by other means (security question...)
  4. set new password

How about this enhancement:

Your PAIA Server should then get use a client credential to deliver tokens with scope reset_password so only trusted applications can call this method. In this case we can also define a more useful response.

Expiration of tokens needs to be considered as well.

nichtich commented 5 years ago

Related #60

tzeumer commented 5 years ago

Valid points. At the core (pa-I-A) modifying an account is probably not an aim of the api. Still, since changing a password already is possible (and thus straying from the "I-only" paradigm), resetting it would feel pretty much right to me anyway :)

I think the suggestion sounds promising. One could pretty easily implement a reset form, get a token and send the link containing this token to the user. This has the big advantage that multiple authentification sources (LBS and LDAP for us) could be populated in a standardized way, even if the LBS password "encryption" algorithm would change in the (maybe near) future.

But granted, this might be a pretty special use case and (in respect to the LBS) most system administrators might be happy with the (more or less recent implementation of the) inbuilt password reset method.

nichtich commented 5 years ago

So I'll put this into the waiting queue until someone actually needs the feature.

tzeumer commented 5 years ago

As of 2017-09-19 and accordingly to a LBS Jira ticket (link; closed access) "A new secure "hash" procedure for the user password in LBS4/Loan4 is in development and the solution version will be announced soon." - this would be the time for us :)

nichtich commented 5 years ago

The workflow might be:

  1. Trusted application A initiates password reset (via client credential token with scope reset_password)
  2. PAIA server receives password reset request and notifies trusted application B
  3. Trusted Application B sends message to the user for instance by mail
  4. User gets the message and starts to interact with Trusted application C (e.g. a web form to type in a new password)
  5. Trusted application C changes the password via PAIA server (via client credential token with scope change_password)

Application A, B, and C might be identical. Open question: should application C be able to change passwords of all users just with its client credentials? Of no, the PAIA server could issue a specific token with scopes read_patron and change_password and include this token with the notification of application B. The token will expire after a fixed time.

jschultze commented 5 years ago

So I'll put this into the waiting queue until someone actually needs the feature.

Some libraries in the beluga core context would welcome this feature very much!

nichtich commented 5 years ago

What exact feature do libraries actually want? Can you give a sample query and expected outcome? Something like described at

jschultze commented 5 years ago

It is not yet planned on a technical level, but there is need for a "Forgot your password?" link on the VuFind / ... login dialogs. By now those links always redirect to a similar function of the old OPAC systems, but the users should be kept in the same system.

nichtich commented 1 year ago

I suggest to add a PAIA auth method reset and a new scope reset_password

purpose Reset password of a patron


request parameters: patron identifier

response fields: patron identifier (mandatory), message (optional)

On success, the PAIA auth server initiate a password reset by means not defined in this specification (e.g. mail). The server SHOULD also create a notification when a password has been resetted.

A token with reset_password scope can be obtained via login method, for instance with client credentials or with unrestricted with patron identifier and empty password.

nichtich commented 1 year ago

Specified but not published yet (1.4.0)

jaohbib commented 2 months ago

Is this feature implemented or only specified?