gc9n / rx5808-Diversity-RealAcc-Compatible

RX5808 Diversity RealAcc Compatible
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tantalum capacitor #8

Closed TechVic-1 closed 7 years ago

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Shouldn't the tantalum capacitor be solder to output and ground, not input and ground as you did. The document on L4941BDT l4941-973941.pdf What I can see tantalum should be solder to output

gc9n commented 7 years ago

You can do it like this yes, i made the oposite because i saw a finished circuit with this regulator and it was like i did it. But you can do it like datasheet says

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Okey Do you know what size on the ceramic capacitor you used, does it matter? I have a 4.7 microF tantalum and 22 nanoF ceramic or 2.2microF ceramic, which ceramic should I use?

gc9n commented 7 years ago

i dont really know what are the specs from the Ceramic , i know that the ceramic can handle lots of volts. so i just picked the right size (physical dimensions) for me. pick the one that can handle the most

gc9n commented 7 years ago

I am also working on the cables, i made it as clear as possible, the osd will be plug in and out for firmware updates, i will report soon with pics

robert-hoffmann commented 7 years ago

the datasheet says 1 ceramic 0.1µf on the in pin & 1 electrolyte 22µf on the out pin

gc9n commented 7 years ago

no problem , i just followed this circuit. https://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/1/7/2/2/3/6/a4459750-142-IMG_6203.jpg as you can see the input is not a tantalum

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

On that picture the tantalum is on the input pin, both regulators are connected to it. Data sheet says tantalum on output pin so I did it that way but My sma connector is getting really hot like really hot, so I desoldered the regulator and restored the original 5v from goggles and the heat is gone. Maybe the tantalum should be on input pin?

robert-hoffmann commented 7 years ago

@Freakshowdevil what do you mean your SMA connector is getting hot ? How did you power it ?

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

The sma connector on the module is getting hot, barely touchable. I am powering it with L4941BDT same as gc9n.

gc9n commented 7 years ago

you open the goggles and you replace the reg inside?

gc9n commented 7 years ago

What goggles do you have and what is the reg inside them?

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

No, I moded exactly as u did, using a L4941BDT on the realacc module. Dominator HD v2 never opened it up so can't say what regulator is inside. When I discovered that the sma was burning hot I striped all mods (L4941BDT and osd) and restored realacc to original.

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

By sma connector I mean antenna connector

gc9n commented 7 years ago

Now i get it, no mine is cold, ambient temp, both sma.lets take it from start , what baytery did you use? Did you connected to goggles? Did you cut the vcc pin? Any short circuits?


TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Using standard battery, Vcc pin cut, did exactly as you expect that my Realacc is the split version and tantalum on output pin. No pictures, the realacc is restored to original and now it's not hot anymore, will do the mod again starting with the regulator and tantalum on input pin instead to see if that makes any difference. Maybe one of my cap was too small, should be nice to know the size of your cap (the ceramic)

gc9n commented 7 years ago

dont worry about the ceramic. the other is important.

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Maybe it is potential different on the negative side that is the problem. My guess is that the problem lays with the caps but can't get my head around why only that long SMA "antenna" connector got heated up and nothing else, but potential different can do that hmmmmm. Will do some more testing after Xmas.

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

A side note on OSD, rssi was visual on OSD but not the battery voltage and the fatshark buttons didn't work either. Maybe I did some thing wrong when setting minimosd up, following oscarliangs tutorial.

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

fatshark-fpv-goggles-realacc-osd-support-minimosd-diy-mod-connection-1024x768 fatshark-fpv-goggles-realacc-osd-support-minimosd-diy-mod-2-1 Your cable schematic and the pic on how you did it, pins on minimosd are not same!! Maybe it's why mine didn't work properly, I followed the schematic. What I can see is that on the schematic you're using small pad to the left of the 5v pad but on the pic on how you did it you're using the small pad where the 0 mark is on the atmega chip

gc9n commented 7 years ago

YES You are correct i made this mistake, this is the correct connection diagram , and down there is a new photo of the minim osd realacc - minimosd mod


gc9n commented 7 years ago

This mistake, is the reason for Buttons response from fatsharks, and Battery feedback. i think there is no other relation to the "warm" sma. Please redo and correct this mistake , everything sould work

robert-hoffmann commented 7 years ago

Nice clean cabling of the minim there :-)

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Nope still no battery indication on OSD and Fatshark buttons don't work. RSSI works and the heat is gone, did put a bigger cap. 20161228_101412

gc9n commented 7 years ago

the connections are correct the software is the latest? for both module and osd?

gc9n commented 7 years ago

the rssi you see is changing values (is alive?)

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Yeah everything downloaded today, yes rssi is changing value when I hold my hand in front of the antenna. No battery goggles showing up on OSD like in your video.

gc9n commented 7 years ago

can you measure voltage in batt1 pin and ground?

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

7.66V batt1 and ground

gc9n commented 7 years ago

if i told you that i downloaded the hex files. and it was not working to me either!!, buttons and rssi

i uploaded a wrong version of OSD.. HOLD ON....

gc9n commented 7 years ago

ok i re upload the final version, please check now (Upload to minimosd) https://github.com/gc9n/rx5808-Diversity-RealAcc-Compatible/blob/master/PolyPhemus.ino.hex

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

No problem mate, shit happens 😂 I will try in a bit

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Rssi, fatshark buttons and battery osd works like a charm mate. Great work

gc9n commented 7 years ago

ahhhh i am happier from you!

TechVic-1 commented 7 years ago

Only one thing with osd that I noticed was that not all of the text in under menu's don't appear as they do on the oled

gc9n commented 7 years ago

I know . I didnt add the find model yet!

gc9n commented 7 years ago

now make a review!