gcad3d / gcad3d

parametric 3D CAD with viewer, import, export, NC.
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Non-standard icon path in launcher for GNU/Linux systems #3

Closed palob closed 8 years ago

palob commented 8 years ago

Currently the icon path in the application launcher file is hardcoded to the following non-standard path: Icon=/usr/share/gcad3d/icons/gCAD3D.xpm

This prevents icon theming without editing the launcher file.

According to the freedesktop.org standard valid application launcher icon locations are: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/[size]/apps/ ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/[size]/apps/ /usr/share/pixmaps/

According to the standard and w.r.t. icon lookup mechanisms of GNU/Linux DEs for an icon installed to a standard location you can change the icon path line to simply: Icon=gCAD3D (absolute path and file type extension not needed)

Please find an example .desktop file here

Could you please install the icon to one of those locations and adjust the icon path in the .desktop file accordingly?

gcad3d commented 8 years ago

Ok, we will add: cp /usr/share/gcad3d/icons/gCAD3D.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps/. and in gCAD3D.desktop change Icon=/usr/.. into: Icon=gCAD3D Would that be ok ? Franz;

palob commented 8 years ago

Yeah, that should do it. Thank you.

gcad3d commented 8 years ago

Fixed with (not official) version 2.31. Franz.