gcanti / fp-ts

Functional programming in TypeScript
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All non technical documentation removed #1195

Open codingedgar opened 4 years ago

codingedgar commented 4 years ago

📖 Documentation

In this commit : https://github.com/gcanti/fp-ts/commit/e08a16e1060437992aae9970e578d53a27b267d8 all non-technical documentation was removed.

The images and all that non-technical documentation was incredibly valuable and a reference for me to understand better not only the library but FP in general, especially this map: https://github.com/gcanti/fp-ts/blob/2.4.3/docs/type-classes.svg .

I understand that almost all have been ported to blog posts, but I cannot find this SVG, could it be added again? It really helps me navigate better the type classes.

Thank you for this amazing library.

jacobdr commented 4 years ago

Is there a plan to restore the docs with new content? If not, is that something the maintainers would be open to? The technical docs are exhaustive but IMO impossible for most TS developers to grok if they want to take the leap into FP

steida commented 4 years ago

I think the key is to use only what you understand. pipe, Option, Either, Task, TaskEither, sequenceS/T, with map/chain/a few other functions. I think that's almost all I use because it's relatively easy to understand. There are a lot of more interesting things, but, without clear real-world examples, it's hard to understand. I wish I had time to write about it.

jacobdr commented 4 years ago

The resources at the Getting started with fp-ts series I think is exactly what I wanted. It is referenced in the docs but I thought slightly hidden (and also, kept out of tree)

jacobdr commented 4 years ago

Perhaps the OP's desire could be satisfied by generating the inheritance diagrams through Typedoc when publishing the docs?

Relevant reading: Typedoc issue: https://github.com/TypeStrong/typedoc/issues/175 The ill-maintained: https://www.npmjs.com/package/typedoc-plantuml-extended The non-automated: https://www.npmjs.com/package/typedoc-plugin-mermaid

nyctef commented 4 years ago

a reference for me to understand better not only the library but FP in general, especially this map: https://github.com/gcanti/fp-ts/blob/2.4.3/docs/type-classes.svg .

Wow, that image is really good! I wish I'd seen that earlier. Currently the docs just have a big list of alphabetical modules, which is rather intimidating when you don't already know what you're looking for :)

codingedgar commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @nyctef , my thoughts, exactly.

@jacobdr maybe the inheritance diagram will end up generating something similar, but I doubt it, there are many kinds that do not map to that image at all.