gcarson1 / Recipe-Rabbit

Igmedio Panolino and Gabriel Carsons Ruby on Rails repository
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Come up with project ideas in discussion section #1

Closed gcarson1 closed 1 month ago

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

Step one in the development of our first duo project is... COME UP WITH WHAT THE F*** WERE GOING TO DO!!! Commence:

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

Real Estate Listing Platform:

Features: Property listings, agent profiles, search filters, map integration. Description: A platform for listing and searching real estate properties.

Job Board:

Features: Job listings, company profiles, application tracking, user profiles. Description: A platform for employers to post jobs and for job seekers to apply.

E-commerce Platform:

Features: User authentication, product catalog, shopping cart, payment gateway integration, order management. Description: A platform for buying and selling products online.

Personal Blog:

Features: User authentication, CRUD for posts, comments, tags, and categories. Description: A simple platform where users can write and manage blog posts.

Recipe Manager:

Features: CRUD for recipes, ingredients, and categories. Description: An app to store and manage recipes with ingredient lists and cooking instructions.

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

**** Web3 Ideas:

Charity Donation Platform:

Description: A platform where users can donate to charities using cryptocurrency, with transparency on how funds are used. Features: User authentication, donation tracking, smart contracts for fund distribution, and transparency reports.

Token-Based Membership System:

Description: A web application where access to certain content or features is gated by holding a specific token. Features: User authentication, token verification, restricted content access, and token purchase options.

Decentralized Marketplace:

Description: A platform where users can buy and sell goods or services using cryptocurrency. Features: User authentication, product listings, cryptocurrency payments, smart contracts for transactions, and user reviews.