gcarson1 / Recipe-Rabbit

Igmedio Panolino and Gabriel Carsons Ruby on Rails repository
0 stars 0 forks source link

Choose final project topic and come up with name #2

Closed gcarson1 closed 1 month ago

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

Document final project type selected and choose a good name for the project and repo.

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

Recipe book app

RecipeRaven - Raven DishDolphin - Dolphin RecipeRaccoon - Raccoon DishDeer - Deer RecipeRabbit - Rabbit CuisineCobra - Cobra DishDingo - Dingo RecipeRhino - Rhinoceros DishDuck - Duck

gcarson1 commented 1 month ago

App - Recipe book app. Name - Recipe Rabbit x Gabe x Iggy