gcgarner / IOTstack

docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.5k stars 578 forks source link

Using IOTStack in a docker swam #177

Open nosaj66au opened 4 years ago

nosaj66au commented 4 years ago

Hi Graham, Love what you have done!!! In fact my whole home automation system runs in your stack :). Nodered , Mosquito, Portainer, MariaDB, etc. any what I'm now a bit concerned about eventual failure of the Rpi and I'm looking at deploying your stack on Docker Swan with 3 Rpi all as Swam Managers if it works maybe even 5. 3 will give me a failure survival after 1 failure and 5 will survive 2 failures Have you or anyone else done this that you know of? Can you see any issues. I have not done any research yet still looking at the concept. Jason