gcgarner / IOTstack

docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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uninstall help #197

Open Kowy54 opened 3 years ago

Kowy54 commented 3 years ago

how to uninstall it?

Slyke commented 3 years ago

Hey @Kowy54 Uninstall what specifically? If you mean IOTstack, just run docker-compse down and then remove the IOTstack directory. You may also want to prune all images. Home Assistant has its own uninstall instructions, if you had installed that, we just wrap their installer.

Kowy54 commented 3 years ago

I cant get rid off all of installed containers by IOTstack :/

Paraphraser commented 3 years ago

Start by doing a docker images

$ docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
kunde21/gitea-arm     latest              b1320f20c065        7 days ago          104MB
grafana/grafana       latest              ba22a0a392bb        12 days ago         149MB
portainer/portainer   latest              dbf28ba50432        2 weeks ago         62.5MB
influxdb              latest              f9c2ff6c2a14        2 weeks ago         261MB
httpd                 latest              8242588f7ded        2 weeks ago         126MB
pihole/pihole         latest              24f577969730        3 weeks ago         301MB
iotstack_nodered      latest              dd4a3bb2faf9        3 weeks ago         442MB
nodered/node-red      latest              b7b447a3e061        3 weeks ago         377MB
eclipse-mosquitto     latest              a2b55301913b        2 months ago        5.86MB

Then, for each value in the "IMAGE ID" column, try to remove the image:

$ docker rmi b1320f20c065

It will either work or say that it can't do that because a stopped container is using it. If you see such a message, it will end with a container ID. What you do then is:

$ docker rm <container ID from error message>

Then, retry the rmi of the image ID. Keep iterating like that and, eventually, all the stopped containers and images will be gone. There may be faster ways of doing this but that's what I do.

Kowy54 commented 3 years ago

If i delete it, they show up again and again :/

Paraphraser commented 3 years ago

If they are coming back then my guess is that you might not have stopped the stack with

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose down 

A bit of Googling found this hint. I have not tried those commands but I see no reason why they would not work.

Kowy54 commented 3 years ago

2020-08-06 18_34_23-Window

Paraphraser commented 3 years ago

I really do not know what else to suggest. I think the best advice I can give is to start over from a clean install of Raspbian and faithfully observe the two basic assumptions of IOTstack:

  1. The user must be the standard default user (username "pi", user ID 1000).
  2. The install directory must be ~/IOTstack (which must expand to /home/pi/IOTstack as that exact spelling).

Those two assumptions were inherited from gcgarner/IOTstack. I believe Slyke is working to remove these dependencies in this fork but I do not know how far along he is nor whether his work has made it out of the experimental stage.

I am not saying that this is the true cause of what you are seeing. I'm simply observing /home/kowy in those error messages and interpreting it as evidence of "creativity", by which I mean departing from those two assumptions, at least, and possibly other roll-your-own decisions besides. Am I wrong to interpret the error messages like that?

I am not criticising either your decisions or your reasons. It's just that all my experience with IOTstack (about 10 months) both hands-on and watching issues come and go is that "IOTstack" and "creative" do not really belong in the same sentence. Those two assumptions are embedded quite deeply so it's better not to fight them.

Kowy54 commented 3 years ago

I´m not running on pi but NUC with Debian 10

Paraphraser commented 3 years ago

I don't think that changes my advice. A lot of things rely on those assumptions and it would not surprise me if departing from those assumptions is part of the basic problem.

That said:

By "mostly defunct" I mean that this gcgarner/IOTstack project has been forked to SensorsIot/IOTstack because Graham Garner has not been heard from for quite some time. We all hope he is OK but nobody seems to know.

nuc commented 3 years ago

Can confirm, it's not running on me.