gch1p / sketchtrial

hack Sketch and make the trial never end
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Create Automator script like App (Running with administrator privileges) #1

Open elminson opened 5 years ago

elminson commented 5 years ago

Just for educational purposes.

1) Open Automator (use Finder) 2) Select New => Application (Set the name for the app, in my case "Sketchv2" 3) Under Actions Search Bar, select Run AppleScript and drag to the right panel (Or double click) 4) Add this to the text area (Remove any previews content inside the text area)(Remember to replace PATHTOTHISREPO with the full path where is this repo is in your mac) do shell script "sudo /PATHTOTHISREPO/sketchtrial/sketch.sh" with administrator privileges 5) You can press the play button to test. 6) Click on File => Convert To => Application 7) Move the new Application to "Applications" folder 8) you can add the new application to your docker 8) you can change the icon Following this link https://9to5mac.com/2019/01/17/change-mac-icons/


gch1p commented 5 years ago

Thank you. You can add it to the readme if you wish, I'll accept PR.

elminson commented 5 years ago

Thanks @gch1p! PR Created!

daanvr commented 5 years ago

Very nice addition! Thank you :)

1729patrick commented 5 years ago

Thank my brother