gchq / MagmaCore

Magma Core is a collection of Java Classes and utilities to enable HQDM objects and patterns to be created and consumed as RDF Linked Data.
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed broken links and typos in README.md #138

Closed GCHQDeveloper42 closed 10 months ago

Fabalab commented 10 months ago

I think the version number is also incorrect in the README. I had to use the dependancy with a version of 3.0.3-SNAPSHOT, not 1.0.

GCHQDeveloper42 commented 10 months ago

Well spotted @Fabalab, thank you for pointing it out!

Fabalab commented 10 months ago

I also think the groupId is incorrect. I found mine at uk.gov.gchq.magma-core, not uk.gov.gchq.magmacore.

GCHQDeveloper42 commented 10 months ago

We should also include descriptions and usage instructions for each of the sub-modules now that Magma Core is modularised. #69

Fabalab commented 10 months ago

We should also include descriptions and usage instructions for each of the sub-modules now that Magma Core is modularised. #69

That would definitely be useful. At the moment, I am compiling my own notes on each of the sub-modules...